Friday, January 4, 2008

One track mind

I love a challenge. I love to start something and see it to the end. I can make a list and run to every store with all the kids in tow, dragging them to the 7th stop and not even slow down when they are crying as they exit the car once again just so I can have that sense of accomplishment in the end. There is real joy knowing I totally finished a task and won't have to think about it tomorrow.
I know I can be a bit obsessive, but when put to good use, I think it can be a helpful tool in my life. If you ask Rich, he might not give you the same answer. He usually just says I should have gone to business school because I love the hunt and a good deal and will go to great lengths for both.

A new problem was set before me just three days ago. My mom called and casually asked me to keep an eye out for Postum in the grocery store. Kraft food had decided to stop producing it at the end of 2007 and Utah was sold out in days back in December. We have had Postum in the cupboard my entire life. While I never acquired a love for the taste, my mom loves to warm up milk on cold mornings and slowly sip a cup while she reads the newspaper. She only had one can in her cupboard thinking she had years to refill her supply since it's been around since 1895, but that was not the case.

I have been a woman on a mission these past two days. Once I the boys were back in school, I was ready, willing and excited to search near and far for jars of this instant hot drink. It didn't take long to formulate a plan and I was up for the challenge. I went with my two best shopping pals Brynn and Kaitlyn and hit five stores just yesterday. I only found three jars at my very last stop. I was disappointed, but not done. I called around last night and found a Super Wal-mart on the other side of town that said they had it. I saw a glimmer of hope. After lunch with the boys today, we made a mad dash to see if the report was true. I had struck gold! Eight jars were waiting for me. I was beyond excited. I ran into another Kroger and walked out empty handed. I knew there was only one more good possibility. So into my 5th Wal-mart in 18 hours we did go and found another six bottles. I was on cloud nine. I was like a little girl waiting in line for a ride at Disneyland and all because I had six more precious jars of Postum in my cart. Yes, this might qualify me as a freak, but I knew I had more than enough, and that made me ecstatic.

So, I am now the proud owner of 17 jars of Postum. I think it's enough to last my mom through her life since she said she goes through one jar in two years. I know she appreciated my efforts, and that made it even sweeter. Rich just rolled his eyes when I proudly announced how many jars I bought today. He wasn't surprised, he knows me too well. Now I can let go of the hunt and focus on new tasks, like getting our van's brakes fixed, calling my supervisors about visiting teaching and tying to find a basketball league for the boys. But I'll think about that tomorrow. For today I'll just be pleased with my very good day of shopping!


Holly said...

I just told Steve he has to hit the stores. We love postum (I think it comes from Spain days with no central heat, and so we had to find SOMETHING warm--and legal--to drink.) I am officially in mourning.

Aly said...

Cheryl, Your persistence in searching for Postum cracks me up! The funny thing is, I thought my family was the only family in the world who loved Postum! We drink it cold with lots of lemon and ice in the summer. My Grandma Margarette used to make it for my Granddaddy Charlie when he got baptized and couldn't have his tea and coffee anymore! I will have to let my mom know that she better raid the grocery stores to find the last ever jars of postum! Love, Aly

Amanda said...

You're crazy, but so thoughtful. Clark said he'll pay you top dollar for a jar. Just kidding. He grew up with the stuff. I think it's nasty, but we bought it when my grandparents came to visit. Personally I prefer hot chocolate.

That was a fun post. It sounds like everyone has a history with Postum. Thanks for sharing.

Sue said...

I can't believe you did that! Going to that many grocery stores in one day takes a lot of energy. I usually stay away from the store even to do my grocery shopping so my family won't starve. The grocery store is one of my least favorite places since I started having kids. I'm so excited for your success! I wouldn't have had any idea what Postum was until about 2 months ago when my neighbor made the most delicious chocolate cake I have ever tasted and Postum was one of the ingredients. I'm now a proud owner of 1 Postum jar and I'm excited about it's new found value. I have yet to open the jar and make the cake. If you want the recipe so that you will have another way to use your many new jars let me know.

Dad & Mom said...

Can you sell postum on E-Bay?

Sally said...

I've got your number! I now know who to call when I am in need of something. Five Wal-Marts in one day? Are you kidding me- that surely deserves an award of some kind. What a great daughter.

Marcie said...

Ocngrats! I totally understand the thrill of the hunt!

Joe and Amy said...

My grandma drank postum.....reading this reminded me of her. You sound like me when I am on a Gymboree mission. joe reminds me that I'm really not saving any money with the gas and shipping charges I have to pay, but there's satisfaction in getting that hot item. Last winter I drove to Cottonwood Mall in SLC (I got lost trying to find it). I went in and bought the sweater and hat & mittens for Aaron at an amazing price and then went to leave only to realize I had locked my keys in the car...with my cell phone! I called Joe from a pay phone and he came he drove from Orem to rescue me. I was so embarrassed because he had another administrator with him. Now someone else knew about my obseesion. Glad to hear I'm not the only one.

Stephanie said...

That is so funny! I also love to hunt for a wanted item. It comes from my mom and grandma searching for the hottest Christmas toy every year. We just have to have it! ;) Good thing we have good kids that we can pack around to all the stores!!

Kristi said...

Man, I am not even a little bit surprised that you hit 5 Wal Marts in one day. I can just see you in your car with 5 whining kids...with an eye of determination that no person can deter. You kill me...

Holly said...

Postum is going for $20 a can on ebay. Steve just ransacked all the stores in Louisville (including dixie highway and preston highway). He is hoping to keep us in stock and make a bit of profit in the process--he found nearly 30 jars. He is a man on a mission, just like you! I thought you would find that funny.

Cheryl said...

Love it Holly! That is incredible he got 30 jars! So fun to hunt for something and do so well!

I shouldn't tell my dad about ebay. I am sure he'd sell a few of my mom's off if she let him!