Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Snow Day....Again!

When we tucked Matt in last night, he begged me to wake him up early in the morning so we could go downstairs and make a bed with pillows and blankets around the heater vent and cuddle all together until we were too hot to stay under the covers. Regretfully I told him that he had school in the morning and his plan would have to wait until Saturday. Boy, was I wrong! Rich woke up early and headed downstairs to grab drinks for the boys (milk for Josh and "special" chocolate milk= Ensure Plus for Trey). I stayed in the warm bed until he returned catching those few extra minutes of rest. When he walked back into the room he declared that today was a Snow Day! I didn't believe him since I thought we had a 0% chance of snow. He told me it was true and that I could look out the window for proof. One quick glance outside and I knew he was right. Good times ahead! Too bad Rich didn't get a day off like us. No resident could be that lucky to get two holidays two days in a row! I am sure he'll make it to work just fine even in our non-snow car. As for us, I think we'll have a lazy morning and hit the McDonald's Playland for lunch. The boys will be in heaven and the girls will try to keep up with their big brothers. I think we all might start praying for snow days because of the great time we have when they get a surprise day off from school! Here's to a great 3 day school week! Hooray!


Laura F said...

Fun times! I have to admit, though, I'm glad to be back to a normal day after the MLK holiday yesterday - it snowed all day long and we were so stir crazy!

Ashlee said...

I was totally shocked when we got a call from the Blaine Blood asking if we could take Cam all day insted of just after school because of a snowday. I crowled out of bed and saw it, my first real Kentucky snow this winter season! It's beautiful but it does put off the normal plans.

Thanks again for dinner Sunday. Me and drew were both were bummed that we couldn't stay longer. We had such a good time talking to you guys and your food was wonderful! We'll have to have you guys over at our place another time.

Tiffany said...

Very fun! We didn't get enough snow for a full snow day -- just a 2 hour delay. You have such a great attitude. I was annoyed that I had lost 2 hours to myself to get something done! Although I did enjoy not having to rush this morning. It was definitely fun to wake up to snow!

Amanda said...

You know, in all of my years in Utah, I've never heard of them canceling school because of the snow. I had a friend that lived in Missouri and when they got a trace of snow, school was canceled. I think it's hilarious.

Sounds like you had fun though. The good thing about having a snow day is that your kids can stay home and actually enjoy the snow. They probably love it.

Jen said...

I will never forget good old Kentucky snow days. Like one little skiff of snow and the whole state shuts down, I love it! It's been a warm 2 degrees here all day, however very beautiful.

Also, I just tried those quaker mint things tonight and I loved them. They are my new treat and for 90 calories you can't beat that. I loved your kids in your bed all snuggled up together. Those are my favorite days. What a sweet picture! Always fun to read about you guys. Jen

Sarah said...

I LOVE the picture of all the kids in your bed! What a good-looking bunch!