Saturday, January 19, 2008

New Addition!

I would like to happily introduce you to the newest member of our family. Gilly (or Lilly- we can't tell the gender) is its name. It is a little tadpole and we've had it for a week now. Its face looks a bit like a Catfish and it's body is clear, so it reminds me of a Ghost fish.Rich's parents gave the boys a Grow-A-Frog kit on Christmas. You simply mail in the postcard with your name and address and a few days later a little tadpole arrives in a small Styrofoam container. I was laughing when I was reading the instruction manual and it stated that you should contact you mail carrier in advance so they didn't leave the poor thing sitting in the mailbox. Well, I thought surely he wouldn't do that, and to my surprise one day I found a little package in our mailbox. It was clearly marked- LIVE TADPOLE- DO NOT LEAVE IN MAILBOX. Thankfully it was on one of our 70 degree January days, it didn't hurt the little guy in the slightest.

I'm telling you, this is a great pet. When I was young my dad found some tadpoles in a puddle at at a golf course, so he found an used styrafoam cup lying around and brought them home. We LOVED watching them grow and change into these tiny little frogs. When they were fully formed and we had enjoyed them long enough we would take them down to the pond. Of course we knew they had a very short life expectancy with all the ducks, birds and fish there, but we had done our part and now nature had to run its course.Our new tadpole shares some counter space with our two Hermit Crabs- Pincher and Shelly. They are going strong after 4 months. I think fish, frogs, turtles and crabs are the best pets around. They take the most minimal care and still thrive and you can hand the container to a friend if you are going out of town.
I took this photo of them just the other day. It seems like they have a bond with each other. They make me smileNow I am turning my attention to the resident garage mouse. I have named it Jerry because it has a brain. I seriously can't kill the thing! I hope the multiple traps will work one day before some unsuspecting child ends up getting snapped in a hidden trap. I hate to kill it, but my love only goes so far. I think I'll just stick to my little bunch of friends that are content in their cages!


Marcie said...

I swear by the giant Sticky pad mouse traps...

We also had tadpoles...and salamanders as children. My boys would love to watch that transformation.

jamie said...

Hello Cheryl! Okay I'm so rude, I just noticed a comment you left on my blog about meeting up at the zoo or the science center and I never responded!! I'm so embarrassed, but please - I would LOVE to meet up with you whenever you're in Louisville. Just name the time and place. :)
Your pets are very cute, and they are my kind of pets...low maintenance. :)

Tiffany said...

I'm diggin' the shells of your hermit crabs. Keenan would totally love watching a tadpole turn in to a frog. Our neighbor gave Keenan an ant farm for Christmas and we had to send away for the ants -- I wonder if our mail man will leave them in our box too! I like the low maintenance pets too. I even make Josh change Bongo's water (our beta fish).

And the mouse traps . . . good luck. We had one mouse so brave that one day while I was on the computer and McKay was on the floor next to me I looked down and saw something move. It was a mouse right next to McKay!!! I grabbed McKay, screamed and tried to figure out what to do next. That same mouse found my Symphony chocolate bars in our downstairs pantry. It finally fell victim to Josh and a broom. And Keenan explored a mouse trap when he was about 20 months -- he still has his finger so don't worry too much!

Sarah said...

What a neat idea! I've never heard of a frog-growing kit! I laughed outloud when I read the package was simply left in your mailbox.

So glad you got the mouse. It makes me uneasy to think one is running around. My friend Whitney claims they have a 5th roommate in their apartment (a rat) and they don't seem to be too worried about it. They leave food out for it. Eek!

Sue said...

You're kids are going to love watching your new little tadpole! What a fun gift! I love all the names of your little pets. The flames on your hermit crabs shell is so funny!

Laura F said...

I love your pets! We had fish in Saint Louis and I actually became rather attached to them. It was such a relaxing pet - just what I needed. I can't wait to see more pictures of your tadpoles once they get legs!

Jen said...

You make me laugh!! I know what you mean about being a little unsure as to how to feel about killing your mouse. They almost feel like family after a while.he-he Do you remember our mouse story in Louisville, and Mike and I walking around in our pajamas at 2:00a.m. and thinking for sure someone was in our house? It was the loudest mouse ever and sure enough the trap got him the next morning, yuck!!! He was a big one.

Amanda said...

You are so good to even have pets. My children have no idea what a pet really is and so far have not asked for anything. Lucky me! Fortunately Clark (and we think Kimball) are allergic to dogs and cats, so we have a good excuse there. I guess if it came down to it, I could probably do a crab or something. But for now I'm not going to worry about it.