Wednesday, November 14, 2007

More tiny treasures

As I looked for various pieces of jewelry for the TTA post, I came upon many other things I consider tiny treasures. Little trinkets and papers that show how I have grown and changed throughout the years.

I dug through my cedar chest in the basement and found so many little pieces and bits of me. Things I have clung to for years; my old flower tin containing my sticker collection, a box of random toys, a cross stitch bag I made with the help of my grandma, an old wallet that still holds an old plastic key, fake money I drew, credit cards I cut out of ads, a drivers licence with a sketch of my face and a passport that stated it expired in far off 1999.

I also found Rich's basketball cards, my first temple recommend that had my dad's signature on the back on the bishop line, the little flower card I found on my porch the night Rich asked me to marry him and the sticker I got when I first voted when I was 18.

As I pulled the items out and reminisced I surprised at how emotional I felt. It was like I had been in a little time machine and suddenly realized I was 30 years old with children of my own. How did the years go by so quickly? When did I out grown my toys and turn into a mother? Am I the person I hoped I would become?

Then I I found my chest containing my high school graduation tassel and cords and discovered I had stashed away all my babies hospital wrist bands in the box. On the floor was Trey's little passport from a primary activity, pictures they have drawn and lists for Santa.

I found myself sitting in the middle of a pile of memories that were not just my own and soon my cheeks were damp from tears. I could see myself as a child and now see what my own children have started to become. There are bits of myself in them.

It is the circle of life and it was hard to see it so clearly. Sure there are times I wish I could fast forward through my kids tough stages or days I want to just run away, but to see it all laid out, my own childhood from long ago to the new beginnings of my own little ones, I suddenly wished time could stop, just for a moment, so I can give my children the love and help they need. So I can sit and play Star Wars action heroes for hours, watch their favorite shows with them cuddled in my lap and read their favorite books to them over and over again. I just want to be the mom they deserve. Hopefully time will be my friend and slow down enough for me to keep up.


Laura F said...

For family home evening the other night we read a story from the Friend (not sure which issue) where a mother explains to her little boy some of the "gifts" he'd received from his family - freckles, curly hair, his laugh... then we talked about the gifts our kids had received from theirs. It was a really interesting activity just to sit down and see ourselves, our parents and others in our children. You talk about things all the time that are similar, but to try to name them all at once was very much a bonding experience. Your kids are lucky to have such great parents, and a mom who thinks about those things! They seem to have a really fun childhood.

Marcie said...

What a great post Cheryl. I think it is wonderful that you have saved so many momentos...each attached to a memory.

I can't think too much about time passing so quickly. It hurts my heart. Not because I am not looking forward to the future...but just because I don't want the sweetness of this time to pass so quickly.

Ashlee said...

I can't believe you have all those things still! It makes me wish I would have brought all my little mementos out with me. I just thought after law school we would make our way back to Utah. Looks like next summer I'll be in Utah packing up more things to bring home.

Tiffany said...

What fun treasures -- and now you have the treasure of having them recorded. I can't believe you still have some of those things. After visiting Nauvoo and seeing some of the things that have been passed down through families, it makes me wonder what of mine I would want saved and passed down -- what could represent me? I think you already have your collection!

And I loved what you said at the end about trying to be the mom they deserve -- you totally are! And lets hope we can all find time to enjoy the passing of time.