Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Tuesday Tell All Information

For all you wondering what Tuesday Tell All is, two of my friends that I got to know in Louisville, Marcie and Sally, (they now live in Utah and Idaho) came up with the idea of writing about specific topics on our blogs each Tuesday. It is a fun way to add some different types of posts to our online family journals. Plus, we all get to read each other's answers, which is a lot of fun. There are around 30 girls that participate.

Marcie emails the topic at the end of the week and then we all post on Tuesday. The topics have ranged from listing where we have lived, our favorite children's books, things we can't live without, to our childhood dreams.

If you would like to join in the fun, let me know. I will have Marcie add you to the list and we can get the other women's blog information to you so can read along.

Happy Writing!


Marcie said...

Cheryl- I think I have almost 30 people on my list now...so soon I am going to make it its own blog with everyones links on the sidebar. I think it will make it easier for everyone to check around, see old topics etc.

Cheryl said...

Great idea Marcie!

Melissa {polkadot chair} said...

I'd like to do the TTA.. if that is okay with everyone..
Can you send me invites?
btw-- Marcie I saw your office when I was in Alpine, it looks so nice and is in a perfect location!

Laura F said...

marcie, I've enjoyed these so much on cheryl's blog, please add me, as well! You must be insanely creative because the topics are amazing. finnyla@hotmail.com

Tiffany said...

Wow! so much fun to read about the history of your tiny treasures! I can't believe that you still have some of the beaded necklaces! That's so great!

And your Grandma's ring and locket -- how truly special. It's good you don't have a sister that you have to share it with!

I love that you put your YW medallions -- I took a picture of mine too.

And, I can just picture you rummaging through boxes, full of endless energy! It was fun to talk to you on the phone today -- the tickets are reserved!

Sarah said...

How fun- I would also like to participate in Tell All Tuesday! It'll give me a few more ideas to write about. Thanks!
