Thursday, November 15, 2007

Life at a glance....

Just a few things we have been up to. Fall is still in full force here in Lexington. Everywhere I turn I see brilliant orange, red, green and yellow.
I find myself pulling out my camera even while I am driving. It's that pretty.
"Hey Mom, looks what's in my pocket!" Sometimes I do not want to know what Matt has collected. This week he pulled out "bird wings", an old cigarette holder, a chewed up eraser/scissor cap, a small flower, a paper ruler and a pencil. About what I should have expected. The day before he brought home a huge wad of dog hair. I told him I thought that was disgusting. He told me that it was very soft. Yuck!
Trey the mad scientist. He had to complete his science experiment last Friday and present it to the class this week. He tested to see which brand of carpet cleaner worked the best? We put 1/4 tsp. of mustard, waited 1 hour and then let Trey spray and rub. It was no surprise that Spot Shot Cleaner was the best by far!
GOOD MAIL! Thank you to a wonderful mother-in-law that sent such a fun package. Who knew you could get delicious treats and a new book for just letting her borrow one for the plane ride back to Utah. You made our day! And Kaitlyn's. I was so happy she was a huge fan of the smooth and melty mints. I need someone else to help me eat the four bags you sent!
We had the gang over to play last Friday. We had 3 Josh's in the bunch of 9. My Josh started calling everyone by their initials. I noticed he wrote J.J. on his homework paper this week.Brynn is still loving the layer look and her stripe shirt. She has worn it three days this week and even to bed. But she has found a new love. These wonderful red glitter shoes Kristi gave to us. She puts them on when she wakes up, gets out of the tub and even wore them to bed tonight with her footed PJ's. She loves how sparkly they are and that they make little clicking noises when she walks. She takes little steps on the wood floor to hear the click, click, click they make. On Saturday we all went to the KidZone for a birthday party. Trey ran around with his friends while the rest of us climbed up three story high rope ladders and went down various slides. So wish I had my camera up top to get Rich in the middle of a spider web pushing Brynn along.
I just need to start doing what the girl already know. Just sit back, relax and take it all in!


Ashlee said...

So me and Drew read this post and couldn't stop laughing about Matt. He is such a funny boy. The cigar holder and the dog hair, so gross but like they say "one mans garabage another mans treasure." And his comment about the school pictures were priceless.

Melissa {polkadot chair} said...

I love Brynn's fashion sense! Both of my girls have always "layered" their clothes and changed a bunch of times in one day. I would always let them do it becuase I loved to see what they came up with. I love the glitter shoes too. Syd has them in 4 different colors right now and just "rotates" though them all. Having girls is alot of fun.
You are very blessed to have such a great Mother in Law... how fun to get happy mail.

Sarah said...

Your boys make Jeff and I laugh and smile so often, I can only imagine how much entertainment YOU get throughout the day. There aren't pages enough, I'm sure, to write up all the things that happen in your house!

When we moved into our apartment in August Mom stocked us up on all the essentials: laundry detergent, hand soap, canned foods, salt, sugar, flour, etc. and ... Spot Shot carpet cleaner! Now that Trey's done such a telling experiment, I'll for sure need to touch up our carpet with the cleaner! Tell him thank you for us.

Marcie said...

Loved all the photos. Alice will love Brynn (she is currently wearing her new red patent leather shoesand will not take them off.

Kristi said...

Oh, Matt. He is good entertainment. Don't you love how different our children come? I am happy Brynn loves her sparkly shoes. I'll look for the next size up for you...

Holly said...

DOn't you just love fall in Kentucky. There is this one street in Pewee Valley that I drive down every morning after taking Jericho to school, and it takes my breath away it is so beautiful. I went for one last drive down it today--the leaves are almost gone. And there is no stopping point for pictures. But it is etched in my mind. I hope there are colors that amazing in heaven!