Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Christmas Tales

I do realize that the date is November 14, but I have Christmas on the brain. I hit the mall today for a bit of Christmas window shopping and I have already begun to discuss present ideas with Rich. I go into far too much detail about all the things I have decided to make or purchase for our various family members. Rich listens politely as I go down the list. Last night after I went through the family once again, I exclaimed that I hadn't even bought him one thing yet! I hate feeling unprepared. He sweetly told me, "Cheryl, it is November!" True, but one can't start too early.

Anyway, I haven't put up the tree, haven't listened to Christmas music (unless you can count the numerous ones I have heard playing over the Wal-mart sound system since Nov. 1) and it certainly doesn't look like Christmas outside (high temp. today was 70!), but I still am eager to get into the Christmas spirit. Two of my favorite ways to do this are to make Christmas gifts and to read Christmas stories.

The Christmas crafts have begun (and I am totally excited to make them and SO happy I have over a month to finish- no pressure!) and the boys' book order came home yesterday. I was delighted to see that I had ordered not one, but two Christmas books that I can read aloud to the boys. I checked on before I bought them to make sure they got good reviews. The first book had 5 stars and the second had 4 1/2 stars so they should be fun!

We started the first book last night. It's amazing how motivated the kids were to get ready for bed early when they knew a story would be their reward. The book is called When Santa Fell to Earth by Cornelia Funke. I had no idea what this book was about, other than it was a story about Christmas. I'll tell you, once the elves started spouting elf cuss words such as "stinky goblin farts" and "steaming reindeer poop" I knew this book would be requested to read for years to come. Oh the joy these silly phrases bring to the boys.

The second book is On Christmas Eve by Ann M. Martin. Once again I do not know what this book is about, but I'm excited to read it after we wrap up the Santa one.

I know I have other books downstairs that I'll have to search out, but I love trying to bring the Christmas spirit into my kids hearts in ways other than writing out their Christmas lists for the umpteenth time. I really hope they can see beyond the commercialization and feel the sweet spirit this holiday can bring!

Merry Christmas, and well, Happy Thanksgiving too!


Laura F said...

Hey, I meant to mention how much I love your blue and whites on your page! I need to figure out how to do that.

I love christmas, too, and am also stressed about having not started shopping or anything else. I realized the other day our annual gingerbread house project is coming up next week (Thanksgiving), so it's probably high time to kick things into gear for us moms. Rich and Justin can relax... Justin at least doesn't do a lot of the prep work anyway. ;-) I will not decorate yet, but I will shop.

Heather Woolley said...

I love Christmas stories. I'm so glad there are more I can now add to my list! I'm taking the kids to Barnes and Noble later today. They have a fun play area that is a bit more entertaining for Jackson than the little area at our public library. I'll have to find these. I'm trying to teach Kamae to mostly memorize 'Twas the night Before Chirstmas. We read it for bedtime last night. She got really good at it a year ago, but has forgotten most of it. Oh, and I've been listening to Christmas music since Nov. 1st! Love it!

Tiffany said...

It's never too early! Oct. 1st is my green light for Christmas music -- why not Christmas stories too! The holidays are so busy that it's probably smart to start now so you can get them all in!

Are your Christmas crafts a secret? I'd love to see some pictures!

Cheryl said...

Sadly Tiffany, the crafts are a secret. I wish I could post, but it would spoil the surprise for too many.

I'll have to post pictures after.
