Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Crimes of Fashion

I do love a good fashion critique, and after the past two days, I know we've been breaking a lot of fashion rules 101.
My little fashion bug Brynn has discovered a totally new look. It's called layering, but in a major way!Yesterday she just wasn't content until she put on her FAVORITE shirt (stripes) and a pair of denim capris over her jeans. She continued to bring in more pants, but I drew the line at two.
After a little tub time this morning (I love the hooded towels Rich's college basketball coach sent to us when the girls were born),Kaitlyn went with a simple conservative look (the bow hung in there for a mere 3 seconds!), but Brynn had other plans. Brynn went to her room (she is all of 19 months) and brought in her Halloween costume (minus the fairy wings) and the black turtle neck and plopped it on the floor next to me. Then she went back and got her black dress shoes. I didn't want to fight her so she wore this get up all day. Yes, she wore it to the boys school when we ate lunch with them (the boys got a kick out of it and the other girls gave ooh and ahh's) and to Wal-mart. More than one older woman stopped me and told me it was a great idea to get extra wear out of her costume. The truth was I certainly had nothing to do with it.
By evening she had rummaged through the clean clothes waiting to be folded and found the stripe shirt again. I think I had better hide that thing tomorrow!

I do have to laugh because I have numerous photos of me when I was small (but not 19 months) with layer after layer of clothes. I guess Brynn just takes after her mother. It's cute for two days, but I really hope this passion is short lived!


Holly said...

I think you rock for letting her go to the school and Walmart in her costume. Way to be a laid back mom!
And I can't help but think how much money you will be spending on clothes for Brynn if she is still layering as a teenager! At least her sister will have plenty of clothes to steal out of her closet . . .

Marcie said...

I think Brynn looks like she would be up for going to Grandpa's house in the Swiss Alps wearing all of her clothes. That is the scene I remember most from the movie Heidi.

You really are in trouble with that one. Tell Rich it is a good thing he is going to all these years of pay for Brynns clothes in a few years.

We also have loved our animal hoodie towels at our house. I just threw them out a few weeks ago after five years of hard use.

Heather Woolley said...

so cute! so glad another little girl dresses up to go out. Kamae has been Dorothy, Cinderella, Snow White and many other dress ups all over town, regardless of Halloween being nearby. Just two days ago, she went to the park with a pink butterfly leotard that has a fluffy, flowy skirt, white little footless tights, and butterfly wings, yes, wings. I didn't have the heart to tell one of the fathers at the park that she wasn't getting more use out of her Halloween costume like he thought, this was just another day for her. I'm so glad Brynn is a dress up queen too! Christmas will be fun!!!

Tiffany said...

Too funny -- so glad for Brynn that 1) you let it go -- why not? childhood is too short and 2) you took a picture of it. She'll love it later. It really is pretty funny! I love the picture of the boys on the side -- they look so grown up!

Kristi said...

I have a feeling that your little clothes monster is just beginning! (and I bet Rich lives in fear of the upcoming bills)

Sally said...

I absolutely adore her fashion obsession. Brynn and I would be great little pals. They are both darling!

Sarah said...

Brynn is just too cute! I used to dress up in just the same way with stripes under polka dots and big bows in my curly hair. I'd brush on some kid blush, spray perfume and pretend to go out!

I can't wait to meet the girls... and the boys.... and your hard working husband! It's long due that I meet your crew! We are so excited to get all together at Christmas.

I love your header. It is too cute! Love the combination of blue and the brown!

Sue said...

I have some pictures stuck somewhere of Romey at her dress in anything stage. It was one of my absolute favorite stages! I wish I could just go to my closet and put on my favorite, shoes, pants, shirt, and accessories and not think twice about if they all went together. So cute that you documented this!