Monday, June 2, 2008

Mom of the Year

Yup. It's true. They should start engraving my name on the trophy right now. I mean look what I've done in the last three days that certainly merits this prestigious honor.

Yes the fire alarm went off during church yesterday.
Yes my kids had to leave the building.
Yes it really was an exciting way to break up Sunday School.
Yes I was right in the action.
And yes I was standing right next to my little Brynn when she pulled the fire alarm creating all this thrilling drama.

(But seriously why in the heck did they put it in the hallway, next to the nursery, where a two year old could grab it?!)

Yes I was playing catch with Josh last night in the backyard.
Yes I can throw a ball really high in the air.
Yes it went over the fence.
Yes I told Josh I could just hoist him over into the neighbors yard to get the ball.
Yes I have big muscles to lift my 75 pound nearly 7 year old.
Yes I was not quite strong enough to get him all the way over.
Yes his shorts caught on the fence.
Yes the denim ripped.
Yes he fell with a loud thunk onto the hard ground.
Yes I made him cry.
And yes I took him to Wal-mart for TWO new pair today.

Yes I went swimming with the family on Saturday night.
Yes I froze my girls in the big pool, but they only cried for a minute tops.
Yes we had a delicious gourmet dinner after , when Rich stated that I hadn't cooked in weeks.
Yes that probably is true.
Yes that fancy feast was from Taco Bell.
Yes it was brought home by me at 10:15 PM via drive thru.
Yes ALL my kids were awake to eat it.
Yes we do have 9 AM church.
And yes I was responsible and filled the van up with gas on the way home- in my swimsuit and short cover up.

What a mom! I hope all of you are as amazing as me!!


Marcie said...

Oh, the constant crazy life with little kids.

Laughing about the fire alarm. I can't believe she could reach it. That really is crazy that it is so close to the Nursery. I think I may have been tempted to just quietly exit with the rest of the ward and feign innocence.

I"m sure that Josh would trade a ripped pair of shorts for a game of catch with Mom any day.

Cooking in the summer is highly over rated. If it cant be thrown on the's usually not worth the mess.

I'd give you the mom of year award EVERY week! It just sounds like you deserve a nap to go along with it this week.

Jen said...

Oh Cheryl that does give you all rights to the "mom of the year" trophy. Let me take mine off of my mantle and pass it right on down to you. Wow, you are amazing!! he-he.

Honestly, I love it. Today I worked out and sweated like a sick pig and then ran straight to walmart for groceries, came home put groceries away, got busy doing this and that. I then picked up Mylee from school and ran to Bath and Body works to get their 75% off stuff. Ya, I still haven't showered and oddly enough I stink and need to take a shower and make dinner right now, but instead i'm doing what I do best; BLOGGING!! I need help. Maybe I should keep the trophy!

Jen said...

oh did I mention I have been in the same workout clothes all day? How delicious and evil is that?

Melissa {polkadot chair} said...

hmmm... sounds just like stuff that I would do too.. LOL!
At least you didn't make your 7 yr old put back a 1/2 eaten ice cream sandwich today becuase he wasn't supposed to have a second one...

Sue said...

This totally cracked me up! I needed a good laugh. Thanks! I would totally be a competitor for this award. Are you up for a little friendly competition? Maybe our children should be the judges. Things could get interesting.

Aly said...


There have been days ( I won't say how often) when Kyle comes home to a home still in shambles, no dinner, and me in my sweats. We are all human! I managed to nearly knock Will out the other day while moving some boxes around. I don't think he had a concussion - maybe I should have taken him to the doctor to be sure! I'm positive you do deserve to be mom of the year, in the truest sense! Aly

Kristi said...

What a mom indeed! About the fire alarm, it totally serves them right to have it pulled when they put it in such a silly place. Chucking your kid over the fence will only make him tougher. Good work Cheryl! I love you!

Heather Woolley said...

That's awesome! Between Kris and I, we've accomplished nearly the same wonderful things in the past two days. Jackson pushing the alarm on the elevator at the mall, until it got stuck with us inside (again, RIGHT at the reach of little hands, why??), forcing Jackson to play in the freezing baby pool while Kamae was having swimming lessons rather than chase him around the whole time, dinner last night was in-n-out burger, Kris climbed over our back fence which was too tall on the other side and he ended up having to basically drop Jackson about two feet having him fall about six inches from a cactus. Could we just SHARE the Mom of the Year award? six months at your place, six months at mine?