Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Park Day

For an entire month the students at Veterans Park Elementary tried to earn a sticker every day. To get that precious sticker you had to be on time, could not be absent, turn in your homework and not pull a ticket. I was reminded countless times to make sure I had their folders in their backpacks or they wouldn't get a sticker. We had better get in the van right now, or we would not get a sticker. The one and only time I forgot to put in their Friday homework was the second day of stickers. I heard about it all weekend long. If you got 20 of the 25 possible stickers, you were able to participate in Park Day. This was held on Wednesday May, 28. This was a four hour fun filled afternoon of freedom. So of course the girls and I had to come and join in the fun.Josh and Matt stayed around the playground area of the school. Trey's class walked to Veterans Park and played on the large grass field and playground by the baseball park. We ate lunch with the boys. Here's Matt with Marin, Holly and Lexi.Trent, Ty, Sam, Josh and NoahMatt flew his first kite Mrs. Corales and her 2007-2008 K/1 class. Mrs. Brumfield is the assistant on the right side.Josh played something they call the 'kicking game' or 'bobbling game'.
The girls LOVED being right in the middle of the action.It was freezing cold that morning and Matt nearly cried in fear they might cancel their play day. Thankfully the clouds blew away and it was lovely outside. They even had Popsicles (which made most of the kids cold.) I'll take that any day. The year before we all nearly died of heat stroke. Really.Kaitlyn tries a hula hoop for the first time.Matt with Mrs. BelcherJosh with Mrs. Corales (Though I should write Ms. on both of their names since every teacher is called Ms. It is written that way on their door and yearbook regardless if they are married or single. Maybe it's a southern thing?)The girls kept me busy making sure they didn't fall and break an arm. (Josh already did that one two summers ago. No fun!)Then we headed off to find Trey. The girls kept him busy too!He joined in spinning the girls on the tire swing.They also looked for Cicadas.They weren't hard to find. They were everywhere. They really are quite cool bugs. The night air has a rhythm to it as they create a loud beating, hum.

It was a perfect day to celebrate a very good school year.


kara jayne said...

You are the master blogger!! I am so impressed with all you can accomplish. I'm so glad your kids had a great park day. Let's for sure get together in Utah in July!!

traci said...

I want to earn stickers so someone can take me to park day. We had field day today and from the sounds of it, it was a blast. Some gladiator type competitions and everything. Oh, to be young again.

Marcie said...

So glad the weather cooperated.

I'm thinking Matt is quite the ladies man...what is that like 3 girls on his picnic blanket.

I'm sure your girls were in heaven. We've got field day on Friday. I will be busy in charge of a game so hopefully Davis and Alice will blend in with the crowd and stay occupied.

Joe and Amy said...

Yeah for summer! Brynn doesn't finish until June 24th, ugh!

They call all the teachers here Ms. as well. Maybe it's the PC way to do things now!

Julianne said...

Thanks for a great laugh (Brynn) and cry (breast cancer friend). I feel like I have a spiritual experience every time I sit down to read your blog. Sorry I never got back with you on the phone before Hawaii. And by the way, on mother's day I sent everyone, including the baby, to my mom's for dinner so I could take a nap. Wow! What a great Mom! Love you!