Monday, June 23, 2008

End of a season

The boys' baseball season has finally come to an end. It's always a bitter sweet thing to see something your whole family enjoys come to a close. You never know what the future might hold and if you'll have the same enjoyment as before. Trey wrapped up his time in coach pitch and will have to move up to 'minors' as they call it here. The boys pitch and the age group is from 9-12. That is a huge group of various sizes, skill level and strength. Our neighbors warned us that games can often last up to 2 1/2 hours on school nights since they kids often get walked and they won't start a new inning if the game has already gone over a hour and forty-five minutes. That sounds like torture to a mother who had to constantly chase two two year old girls around the ballpark this season. We'll have to see how Trey feels in the fall and decide if he'll play then.

This spring Trey was very lucky to work with such an outstanding baseball coach. I have often written about him and he kept me laughing through the games with his clever insights and silly remarks, but he taught the kids how to hit the ball and to celebrate when they played well as a team, even when the scoreboard didn't show a victory. We are hoping Josh and Matt find some spots on his team next year.

Josh and Matt also played their last game in t-ball. We were lucky to have a wonderful and kind coach these past 3 seasons (2 spring, 1 fall ball). Coach Jeremy is a Baptist pastor and was extremely supportive of our decision to not play baseball on Sunday. He worked hard with the team and we went from playing the play in game for the tournament last year to a 12-5 season this spring. Their hard work and months of practice paid off.

Here are a few photos of the last few games, trophy ceremony and end of season party.

This was a make up game on June 4, 2008 Vs the Twins. The boys had a swim meet that ended at 7:30 PM and the game started at 8:00 PM. I love watching the kids play under the lights, especially when it's a t-ball field. There are not many like this around. Matt's on first base.
The coach proudly displayed the team banner.In a VERY dramatic fashion, Josh stepped up to the plate as the #9 and final batter of the 4th (final) inning with the bases loaded (Matt on first) and whacked a deep drive into center field. He got a stand up triple, scored 3 RBI's and we won the game. It was awesome. Rich was on call at the hospital and Josh happily called him after the game to tell him the news. We then followed up with calls to uncle Brad and the grandparents. Good news travels fast.
Josh got the well deserved game ball.After a first round loss in the tournament, the team rallied and handily won their second game. The kids drove the ball and played some tough defense. It was great to see the entire team shine. This photo was of their third tournament game. Trey is the runner on first base.The girls knew where to find Trey. They are the best little cheerleaders around.Even though we ended the game with a loss, the kids played hard and greatly improved since our first practice back in snowy February.One final talk with Coach Blythe.Trey enjoyed his year playing in the infield and getting on base 90% of the time. He had his hardest, best hits of the year in the final few games. He threw a batter out at first when he was playing third base and caught a few line drives and pop ups. It was fun to see him excel (though he still doesn't enjoy the practicing part...) Josh and Matt played one of the best teams in the first round of the tournament. Josh gets ready to get his turn at the plate.Josh running through first base. Matt on first base.Though they lost, it was a season to be proud of!And after 2 long games on a very hot day, we actually wore Brynn out, which is nearly impossible to do (she's only resting and not sleeping).To celebrate the end of the season Southeastern baseball provided bouncy toys for the kids at the ball park.Trey enjoyed some fun while Josh and Matt played ball.Up the girls went (no fear at all!)Down they came (Brynn)
KaitlynOn June 12 at 7 PM was the t-ball awards ceremony. ( I had a Relief Society recipe group dinner at our house at the exact same time so kudos to Rich for some great photos!)Josh and Matt received their trophies.Josh, Coach Jeremy and Matt
T-ball Braves 2008And the final hurrah for Josh and Matt was on Saturday, June 14.There was a water slide, water balloons and one final game ball that each of the coaches signed. What a year!

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