Sunday, June 22, 2008

Happy Birthday

My little blog turns one year old today. I can't believe just twelve months ago I was still unsure if starting and writing a blog was for me. It was like I was venturing into an unknown world. How fast it became my realm. It has become such a highlight of my life and a true adventure. From finding old friends, to making new ones I have loved every word, sentence and detail I have been able to read and write. I just hope Rich can't say it has taken over my life at times (usually in the wee hours of the morning...). At least it has always been for a good cause. Who can say keeping a journal is a negative thing?

These days Matt asks daily for me to post picture on the blog or the boys ask me to pull it up so they can look at what I've posted. It has allowed our far away family to see new pictures of the kids and truly experience and share in their lives. It makes writing letters to my little brother Kurt who is serving an LDS full time mission in Taiwan a breeze and the added photos are a huge bonus. This past year has certainly been the most well documented one of my life.

And really, who knew that I would look forward to Tuesdays! Thanks to Marcie and Sally for starting the Tuesday Tell All blog. What fun bits have been added to my life history because of you both and your fantastic topics.

Thanks to all who have come along for the ride. Here's to many more good times and posts ahead!


Marcie said...

Happy, Happy Birthday Cheryls Blog!

So happy you are a tried and true blogger. I love reading your blog. Your insights and detailed posts are a joy to read.

Sally said...

Totally agree with Marcie- yours is a favorite to read. Always so thoughtful, detailed, and positive.

It has totally made me wish that I knew you this well when we were still in KY. I look forward to hooking up with everyone in Utah soon