Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Tuesday Tell All: Sound

I had an idea for a post for months and yet it sat as a work in progress in my post section since the day I thought of it. It was to be titled: Music to My Ears. One day it occurred to me that so many things I hear bring me happiness, like added bits of joy to my soul every day. Just the sound of some items bring true pleasure. So I happily complete this unpublished item today under the TTA topic of my favorite things to hear.

The ear piercing shrill cry of my newborn baby.

The gentle phrase 'I love you' from someone I too care for.

The garage door rising telling me Rich made it safely home.

Perfect silence after a long and busy day. The peaceful stillness lets me know my children are safe and fast asleep.

The sound of a lawn mower on an early summer morning.

The tweets of baby birds in spring.

The call of a Cardinal sitting on my fence.

The melody of a Meadowlark that would sing as my mom and I ran at sunrise.

The hum of my dish washer sounding my kitchen is tidy and the sink is empty.

The whirl of my dryer proving that while the laundry basket is still full, I did make a dent in it that day.

Laughter from my children.

The word 'Mom' uttered from their lips.

A warm hello from a friend.

A happy voice of a grandmother on the telephone line.

My Dad calling me Cher.

My mom giving me advice.

Rich's mom saying it's "Me Mom".

Hearing Rich and his dad talk about golf, work and life.

The crackle of a fire as you roast hot dog and marshmallows.

The crack of a baseball bat.

The swoosh of a basketball grazing the net.

The Cicadas humming in the backyard.

The pop, pop, pop of popcorn bursting in my microwave.

The lull of the ocean waves.

The roar of a waterfall.

The one lone phone ring from my dad at night during the final months of his residency telling us good night without ever speaking the words.

The whoosh of my vacuum cleaning my floor.

Christmas music on the radio the day after Thanksgiving.

The iPod blasting happy tunes in the van while the boys sing along in the back seat.

The crack of lighting and rain pelting the windows and knowing we are all dry and safe inside.

The phrase "Hurry back. Don't forget to bring your death certificate. We are DYING to have you," echo up the moving walk way as you exit the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland.

My brother Kurt playing the piano.

My brothers singing together.

Rich's mom and Jenny on their violins, Julianne playing the harp and Heather singing a song.

Brynn and Kaitlyn calling each other 'Josh'.

My Grandma Nance's clock chime in her family room.

Music: The Mama's and the Papas, Sting, Indigo Girls, Jim Brickman, Jim Croce, Simon and Garfunkel, John Mayer, The Beatles, Sheryl Crow, Steve Miller Band, The Dixie Chicks, Roger Whittaker and many other artists.

My kids saying please and thank you with out being reminded.

Rich bearing his testimony.

My children retelling scripture stories from memory.

My children praying.


Sally said...

You manage to put things perfectly everytime! Love the list and think you should keep your "Music to my ears" title.

So many things on your list made me realize how much I take for granted. They are simple but make life so complete!

Thanks for inspiring me to get to work on my own!

Marcie said...

Fantastic list! So many that I will include on my own.

Jen said...

Cheryl- I loved most of those sounds as well. Music to my ears.

Also, please do not feel bad at all for not calling on my birthday. Have I called you the past two years? ah, nope! I think of you as well and I don't expect it from anyone. It is nearly impossible to keep track of everyone and maybe it's written down like you said, but life is crazier than ever. So, I understand. Thanks for caring and for the sweet comment on my blog. I miss you. Have a fabulous summer!

Anonymous said...

You must spend hours thinking up you list. It's beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry I have been so bad at leaving comments. I seem to be in a blog funk. Just not feeling the blogging mojo much anymore.

But this list, I loved. Every single one of them. Especially the sound of the garage door opening. Makes me happy just thinking of it.

Shelly said...

What a great post. You have such a way of saying things. Fun post.

Barney Family said...

Cheryl our class is attempting to have a blog page to sign up go to the site.

