Thursday, June 5, 2008

All kinds of CrAzY!

Maybe it's the fine, wispy hair that juts out in all the wrong places. Or the mischievous glint in her clear blue eyes. Or the silly way she gives you a wide toothy grin. Or her deep belly laugh. But something about her just spills her secret. Her aura simply radiates her true nature. You see complete strangers have call her on it. An old man at Wal-mart yesterday asked if the girls were twins. He took his long, dark finger and pointed at Brynn. "You gotta look out for this one. This one, you gotta watch." And he was right. Last year during baseball a mom that I had just met summed it up in one short sentence. "She is hell on wheels." It was too close to the truth to admit. I love Kristi's explanation the best. "They are angels on speed." Yup. You got it right. This tiny two year old girl is one fearless chick. A dare devil that could rival Evel Knievel. I like to call her nutty. She told me today, "I funny," in between giggles. Yes, sweetheart. Sometimes more than others.

You see she climbs out of her crib. She has thrown herself out of her crib head first once. She bounces up and down like a UK cheerleader as she tears through the house. She pushes chairs around the kitchen and stands on the counter rummaging through cupboards. She swims in the tub. She jumps off the bed and tables. She scales Trey's rocking game chair, stands on top while it rests perilously on the wall and then leaps off like a bird. She opens soda cans with her teeth. She got in the sink today and flooded the kitchen when she turned on the faucet and used the sprayer to hose down everything in an eight foot radius. It took 5 large towels to mop it up. She makes pretty pictures with pens on paper, the floor, her arms, chest and legs and then happily shows it to me like it's as lovely as a priceless Monet. I have found her on Trey's top bunk twice. She hangs on shirts in the closet until the hangers snap. She opens the fridge and uses the shelves as a ladder to get those hard to reach items. She exploded an entire box on Q-tips on my bathroom floor- all 200- in 4 seconds flat. She pops open new tampons and shoots out the cotton bit. She is go, go, go and then some. But today she went too far. Without my knowledge, she unfastened the seat belts. Hers and her sisters. I was driving around with my babies not secured to the seat. I had to draw the line somewhere. After a few futile attempts of making her stop while the van was parked safely in the garage, action was necessary. I have to admit, I think this is quite creative in an odd, sad way. Baggie, surgical lap and duct tape seemed to do the trick. Try to get that undone little missy. Actually, just forget I asked. You might find a way. In less than a minute. Here's my other bright idea. There are a few things I'm just not ready to share yet. A wide open fridge and freezer are not one of them my little darling.

What a sweet, wonderful, lovely, funny, silly, hyper, gentle, happy, nutty, crazy girl! Truly. Love you Brynnie Brynn. I really, really, really do.


Marcie said...

Oh my goodness, what a hysterical post. Your "solutions" are cracking me up.

That picture of her is beautiful, what a doll. Seeing her smile makes me love her even more. Laughing about the old man at Wal Mart comment....

Some of her "tricks" are already being practiced here, but she does take the cake with the complete list. Busy, Busy!

Love it, what a fun age. I love even more that she knows she's funny.

Kristi said...

Oh man Cheryl. I love your life. I am so glad that you have the perspective to see the humor in it all amidst the chaos. That Brynn. Let's hope that one day she gives teenage boys as much trouble as she gives you...

Shawni said...

You have got your hands so darn full! Wow. Isn't it great that they are so cute we can't stay mad at them for long? I love that cute little mischievous picture of her. I hear that boys are way more into things than girls (I wouldn't know since I only have one mellow boy), but she sounds like she takes the cake.

Thanks so much for your sweet comments on my blog. You are so thoughtful and kind.

Anonymous said...

Kids, you've got to love them. i might have to try out your duct tape idea on my own carseats.

Melissa {polkadot chair} said...

I love having girls.. (boys too) all the things you mentioned. She reminds me a bit of Kari when she was little and a bit of Syd. Last summer we were at the beach and Sydney shot me a "look"- there she was in her cute little swim suit, beautiful tan, sun bleached hair, blue eyes and I just thought "man am I in trouble.."

Sarah said...

What a busy girl!! Just reading about all of her stunts makes me tired. I'm just picturing walking into the kitchen only to see Brynn with the faucet sprayer, giving the kitchen a shower!

I've learned something very important in these 9 months of Jeff and I being married: there is a never-ending list of ways to use surgical laps. Seriously. There's no limit. We wipe with them, dust with them, stain our coffee table with them, and more recently you keep Brynn from the car seatbelt. Amazing!!

angela said...

The duct tape is AWESOME! Your post was funny. Quite the girl!

Vicki said...

Cheryl, how do you do it? It cracks me up the different ways you've come up with to "baby proof" your house. She is too cute. I'm sure that the "dare" part of her has in part to do with her three older brothers.

Thanks for the laugh.

Barney Family said...

Cheryl, this was a great post and you do have a wild one on your hands. The tape around the seat belt and the tampon remark made me chuckle.

good Luck and I am sure she will find a way out of that tape.

She will laugh one day and so will you.
