Friday, June 27, 2008

Slip and Slide

This morning at the pool one of our friends that lives in the neighborhood casually invited us and many others to come to their house at 1:30 PM and go down their slip and slide. I was taking the kids to the park at noon for my visiting teaching appointment (love those kinds of visits when the kids are home!) but had no plans for that afternoon. Sounded like fun to me. But I had NO idea what was in store for us. I knew they had a sloped backyard that ended with the creek, but never in my wildest dreams could have imagined what her simple phrase 'slip and slide' could entail. How about 40 feet of tarp. Dump on at least 20 plus (no joke here) bottles of liquid Joy on the plastic and last 60 feet of grass, keep a constant flow of water from the hose and you had a track that was a slippery as ice. Man, it was awesome. So cool in fact I had to try it out for myself. Good thing I still had on my swimsuit from swim team practice. I grabbed a tube and went at it. Not once. Twice. With a running start. On my belly. Talk about a thrill. I had to grab onto the grass just to keep from flying into the creek. I couldn't stop smiling. It was pure bliss. As I looked at the pictures tonight I was laughing once again. Believe me, when they host this again next year. We'll be there. With 1o bottles of Joy for the cause. Ethan, Matt, Alec and LukeMatt's just getting startedJosh and AlecTrey
Matt tested it without a tubeJosh
TreyThe girls like to watch, but found other ways to entertain themselves.Some white whiskersJosh getting some speedTrey finally achieved the ultimate goal: sliding all the way into the creekRiding with Coach Phillip (Pinnacle head swim coach)
Having FUN!!


kara jayne said...

That looks like SO MUCH FUN!!! I'm so glad you went for it. I tend to be an old fogie lately and not do those fun things. I'm always glad when I do. I never would have thought of dish soap.

Ashlee said...

So Fun! We use to do that down at Rock Canyon Park. We should suggest doing it for a ward party. Can you imagine?

Jen said...

Wow, that looks like a truly awesome time. I would love that!! What fun neighbors to invite everyone over. I never would have thought to put the dish soap on there. What a fabulous idea. I'm glad you got to give it a go too! Fun-fun

Marcie said...

I wonder if the dish soap does anything to the grass long term (other than a bubblefest next time it rains). That is seriously one of the coolest ideas ever. So glad you got to get in on it.

I wish we had a picture of you going down. You are such a cool mom.

Noelle said...

That looks like a lot of fun. I was looking for the pictures of you!

Laura F said...

Looks like a party!!! Justin would just die before he let us put that much soap on our lawn... what a great place for something like that, though! I loved the stream at the end!

I've been such a slacker at blogging this summer - how does the time get away? It was fun to catch up on your life this morning a little finally. :-) I love that your boys are doing swim team! I wish I could get my kids to do any kind of swimming stroke, they're just not getting what they need from their group lessons, I guess. Maybe next time we'll do semi-private? Were yours just born with gills, or do you have any suggestion? We went to a Cardinals game last night and I thought about your boys and Trey's interesting coach. :-D Hope you're doing well!

Kristi said...

It is good to be back in KY and catch up on the exciting life of Cheryl. Like always, you did not disappoint. I only wish I could have been there to slide in the bubbles too!

Sally said...

Oh my word! What fun. Its giving me some great ideas....

Hoping to see you in Utah while your there. I told Marcie to put something together!

Shawni said...

Wow that looks like so much fun! It's a great idea. And I love the swimming looks like you guys are having a great summer. Thank you so much for your sweet comments on my blog. You make my day. So when you're done there in Kentucky are you heading back to Utah?