Thursday, May 21, 2009

VPE Spring Chorus Program

Tonight was the Veterans Park Elementary School Spring Chorus Program performed by the Upper Primary students (2nd and 3rd grade). Trey and the other students had worked very hard preparing for this event. For the past month he has been staying after school on Fridays for an extra hour working on their parts. Most of the songs were from Camp Rock or High School Musical.The program featured singers, dancers, instrumentalists, soloists and speaking parts.
For the first time, Trey was an instrumentalist. Trey was on the front row far right.He played the xylophoneand drums.The song The Boys Are Back from HSM, Trey's group bounced basketballs, shot layups and had a t-shirt that looked like a basketball jersey from the back.
After the basketball bit, they drummed along to the beat using sticks and chairs.
It was a great program and lasted about 35 minutes. Perfect.Ms. Bosworth- the chorus director and music teacher at VPE.
Trey posing with friends after the performance.The dudes
The Jackson Five

Rich said this was the night's: Sign of the Apocalypse (straight from Sports Illustrated). Each of the boys in Trey's group had the name WALL written across their backs. John Wall, the number one high school basketball recruit in the country, signed to play basketball with Coach Calipari at the University of Kentucky only yesterday. Someone put in some overtime getting these t-shirts ready. Brainwashing is what I call it.... Pure and simple.

Great job Trey! What a fun and memorable night. We love you!

1 comment:

Marcie said...

Wow, what a production! I can imagine that it must have taken a lot of hours of overtime in a lot of areas to put that together. That shows what a great school it is for the staff to be willing to be so dedicated.

I like "the Jackson five" that is great. Although the term will only be applicable for a few more months.