Sunday, March 22, 2009

Pinewood Derby 2009

February 28, 2009: Cub Scout Pinewood Derby/ Blue & Gold BanquetIt was a big event since they combined three wards for the race and dinner.With a little help from Mom (spray paint and decals) and a lot of help from Dad (trip to store for decals, sand paper, and graphite, plus lots of sanding, assisting cutting and adding the wheels) Trey's car named "Drago" was ready for the big race.Rich flew in for the weekend from Washington D.C. so he could be there to support Trey and also coach Josh and Matt's basketball team in their leagues tournament. My mom was in town as well (somehow she always seem to avoid the camera....).Trey checked his car in. It weighed 4.9 oz, just .1 under the limit. Perfect.
Josh, Matt and Kaitlyn check out the competition.
We all enjoyed a build your own taco bar.And there were plenty of fancy racing cakes to go round.Unfortunately, Josh and Matt's championship basketball game was across town the same time races, so we spent an hour and half with Trey during dinner and then headed over to the game hoping to make it back to see Trey's car race later. It stinks when you have two amazing things at once.
Trey's car did a fantastic job and took THIRD PLACE and qualified for the district races. Josh and Matt took second place in the tournament, but Matt scored his first basket ever and both were named to the All Star team, so it was important we were there to support them as well.
Friends from the ward brought Trey home and it was a very special night for all our boys. Pinewood Derby District Races: March 21, 2009We were so excited that Trey qualified so someone would be able to watch his car race! Rich took Trey across town for the district races. He was car #109 out of 110.They had two tracks going and each car raced three times, once in each lane. Trey took 1st place, then 2nd place and 3rd place. His times put him right in the middle of the pack. While he didn't win one of the huge trophies, he did win a $10 Wal-mart gift card. That might have been better than the big win since he's planning on buying a new Gameboy game with his fortune. The best part was that Trey was able to race his car and make it over to the second half of his first soccer game of the season. He wanted to be there more than the race, but we had committed to the race before we saw his soccer schedule. After his broken arm last year after his first game, he was ready to play once again.

Great job Trey. We love you!


Marcie said...

I've been dreading Pinewood derby since my boys were born....Jim isn't exactly the workshop kind of dad. One of our neighbors actually paid this guy that lives near us to make his boys' and then they just decorated it together.....not a bad idea actually:)

Way to go Trey. You'll have to give us pointers in a few years.

Congrats to the little boys as well, gosh you have been busy!

Tiffany said...

I"m with Marcie -- I'm not looking forward to Pinewood Derby days either. But Trey's car looked great and how wonderful that Rich could be part of the memories.

I think of you often and wonder how your managing -- and then I think, "it's Cheryl, she's managing with flying colors." We're excited about Baby Boy!

The pictures of the girls are soooo cute. I love them. I can't believe how tall and mature they look.

Today the subject of March Madness came up with Josh and in my ignorance I didn't know how far along we were in the tournament. I said that I hadn't heard much about March Madness this year because 1) I wasn't in KY and 2) I wasn't around Cheryl !

We miss you guys and are thinking about you often!

Julie and Matt said...

How fun. You gotta love the pinewood derby! I love the car. Gettin 3rd place was awesome. Doesn't it always seem like you have 2 things at once and they're always at the opposite end of town. Glad that Rich and your mom could be there.

Julie and Matt said...

OK, I just read the other comments and then I had to go back over your older posts. I did not know you're pregnant again!!!! I hope everything's OK. I never talked to you on your b-day. I left a message. Obviously you were pregnant then. We definitely need to talk!