Thursday, March 19, 2009

Baby Jackson

Last week I had yet another ultrasound to monitor the blood clot and baby. As they scanned my belly the tech asked if I would like to know the baby's gender. I said yes before she could finish the question. I was a bit surprised when they told me if our baby was a boy or girl, but thrilled and excited since this news made the entire pregnancy more 'real'. After a month of bed rest and exessive worry, I was ready for some happier information.

As soon as the boys walked in the door from school they rushed to me, asking me if I knew if they were having another sister or brother. After they each shared their predictions, I shared my new found knowledge with them. Huge grins filled their faces.

Within seconds after the much anticipated answer escaped my lips, the telephone rang. It was my little brother Jeff, returning my eariler call.

Matt loves and adores Jeff and I thought it would only be appropriate for him to share the joyful news with his uncle.

"Jeff, Jeff!" Matt breathlessly exclaimed. "You know that baby in my mom's belly? The one that may or may not survive. It's a BOY!"

Seriously, how in the world can you top an introduction like that?!

That could take some serious thinking....

Of course after the intial shock of discovering I am carrying a little bundle of blue inside (I would have bet money it was a girl), my mind immediately thought, we have to start thinking of names. And while the monikor Harry truly isn't on the list, I could only think the right name for that day was his- Harry: The Boy Who Lived.

It just seemed fitting after so much doubt early on, followed by tears and prayers and worry, that things really do seem to be looking up. I am finally starting to feel like a normal pregant lady (if you can call being pregnant feeling 'normal'). The aches and pains are slowly diminishing and every day that passes makes me that much further from the intial drama of the blood, the ER and uncompassionate doctors/staff. Yes, I feel like things finally are going to work out.

The blood clot is still there and still very large, but it is getting older, becoming more stable and hopefully we will see my body beginning to absorb it. I have had regular ultrasounds and will have another one next Wednesday, followed by another one two weeks after that. They can only monitor the clot's progress, but it seems to be improving.

And while I promise there won't be a Harry Jackson name blessing in our future, I am so grateful for this new little spirit inside, staying strong and ever growing.

And that he does indeed LIVE.....


Kate said...

Cheryl, I vote for keeping his name Harry! So cute! Glad you are doing well.

Melissa {polkadot chair} said...

I'm glad things are going better... I really like Harry... just my 2 cents! What a story he would have behind the name! (or mabye at least the middle name)

lacey said...


Such sweet news. You've been on my mind.

Anonymous said...

Yep, I like Harry too! Glad things are going good.

Marcie said...

Such a perfect header....even more coming from you - Harry Potter fan extraordinaire.

What fun it will be to have a little single boy in the house again....and with 2 miniature sized mommies to look after him as well.

Matt's comment just cracks me up...that kid.

So glad to get an update and that all has been smoother sailing for you.

Is Rich home yet? I think of you on a daily basis.

Sue said...

That is very exciting news! I'm so happy that things seem to be looking better and brighter. I've always loved the name Harrison. Maybe that would be more of a consideration:)