Friday, March 27, 2009

My Simon

I'll be the first to admit I don't watch much television. Yes, it is usually on blasting Dora, or The Sweet Life, or ESPN, but I'm never hooked, never captivated by what it being shown. And whenever I can I turn it off. I love the quiet solitude of stillness that I rarely find.Then Rich's mom came to town to help us in our time of desperate need and we began watching American Idol. Sure, we watched a few of the audition rounds early on and I knew there was a girl from Utah in the top 36 and I that they let the Osmond guy go early in Hollywood week, but I wasn't a regular viewer. Rich's mom set the DVR to record the shows and we would watch them after we put the kids to bed. I began to enjoy what I heard. I found myself mentally marking Tuesday as AI nights.

Then the President went and bumped the show from Tuesday to Wednesday and the DVR failed to record (probably had to do with a child named Trey....) and when I went to watch it on Thursday morning I discovered I had missed the whole thing. Drat.

After the elimination show last night, I pulled up the website so I could hear a few of the previous performances.

Matt was by my side and I was very surprised at how much he knew about season 8. The show comes on late here and I often watch it the next morning and then delete it. Matt stayed put as we began to hear a few of the singers. The next thing I knew I had my own mini Simon giving critiques. I scribbled them down so I wouldn't forget.

So without further ado here is Matt's run down of Motown week.Megan Joy: Horrible! Just horrible! F-! Can you give someone an F minus?

Danny Gokey: This music makes me want to dance. But I am not going to. But I would do a back flip if I could.

Alexis Grace (from the previous week): Huh. Her clothes make her look a bit sassy. Sassy girls always go (puts finger to tongue and then put on hip) "hiss". (TOO MUCH TV for this young buck...)

Kris Allen: He is awesome. He's my favorite.

Before I clicked to Anoop Matt asked: "Is that 'study guy' still on? The cool college guy? He's one that sings hip hop and all that stuff." (Yes, I reply and play Anoop's song.) Matt hollers at Josh to come and listen.

Anoop Desai: He's good. He's got an amazing voice. It's like Boom! Not what you think how he would sing.

Not bad for a seven-year-old!!!

1 comment:

Marcie said...

Not bad at all, hysterical.......I seriously want to steal that kid, just for my own daily entertainment.