Sunday, March 22, 2009

Daddy's Home!

I'm so glad when daddy comes home,
Glad as I can be;
Clap my hands and shout for joy,
Then climb upon his knee.

Put my arms around his neck,
Hug him tight like this,
Pat his cheeks, then give him what?
A great big kiss.

Friday, March 6, 2009: Rich's month long stay in Washington D.C. came to an end. It was a day we all had been counting down to. Educationally, this was a wonderful opportunity for Rich. The radiology/pathology lectures Rich attended for four straight weeks were incredibly well done and very valuable for his training, but was very nice for it be complete so we could have our sweetie back home with us. While I was excited for my husband to be living the same roof as us again, the kids were on edge about what souvenirs he would be bringing home for them. In fact, the night before Rich flew home, Josh said this in his prayer, "Please bless we will not be disappointed if we do not get the souvenirs we wanted." This certainly is not something I think you should be praying for, but it shows how much pressure Rich was under to find that perfect something. And he did not fail them. I actually think this is the first time ever that every child was 100% thrilled with their new special prize. Rich went from youngest to oldest when handing out his goodies. Kaitlyn loved her new Dora rub and color book.Brynn couldn't contain herself when she saw her magnetic Ariel doll. A few days earlier I had been quizzing the boys about things they might like and mentioned to Trey maybe his dad could find a Baltimore Orioles shirt. The word orioles sounds just like how Brynn pronounces Ariel and she was sure I was talking to her and went into great detail about how much she adores her favorite Disney princess. Brynn with Grandma Blackhair (Rich's mom).Rich surprised Matt with a new orca whale Webkinz.I think you can tell by the photo he was very, very excited.Matt aptly named him Shamu Jr.Josh had requested a sports team t-shirt.He love this new addition to his massive sports collection.Trey is the hard one. He usually is the one that ends up disappointed with his gift. Not this time. He loved the new comic books Rich hand picked for him from a comic book shop.Welcome back Sweetie. We missed you so much!


Elder and Sister Swenson said...

So glad to have you back posting again. I love hearing about your life. I'm also glad that things are looking up with this pregnancy. A boy! That's so exciting. I had no idea you were such a Disneyland fan! We're going to the Beach Cottages next month. Can't wait!

Marcie said...

What a relief to have him home....for everyone.

This reminded me so much of us all waiting in anticipation of what my dad would bring home from international business trips.

Congratulations to Rich for choosing well. However, I'm sure they were all just thrilled to have him home.

I still feel guilty for one time when I was about six complaining that all my dad brought me was a barbie outfit. What a brat.