Sunday, January 11, 2009


I have always loved finding beauty in nature. Our world is a gift and I try to take in what it offers every single day. Sometimes you discover something so lovely that you have to stop and take it in. Sunrise and sunsets often stop me in my tracks and cause me to stare. On Friday as I drove the boys to school the sky was filled with clouds and as the sun made its entrance, it was simply stunning to behold. What a wake to wake up and embrace a new day.


Kristi said...

Beautiful. Too bad I am never up that early!

Jen said...

I with ya on nature. It is fascinating sometimes.

Also, I REALLY REALLY REALLY want and need to see Wicked. Glad you've been able to keep in touch with such great friends.

kara jayne said...

I'm right there with you. My kids get sick of me saying, "look at how beautiful the sky/trees/clouds/grass/flowers/birds are".

I do think it helps them appreciate things more though. I find my kids saying the same things to me too.