Wednesday, January 21, 2009

For a moment....

My house is perfectly clean.

Yes, I have not showered, worked out or eaten a proper meal today, but for these brief few seconds I am at peace with the housework. Dinner is on the stove, bubbling warm and smelling delicious. The dishes are clean and put away and the remaining few dirty utensils are in the dishwasher. The laundry is churning and drying and there is not a sock, or shoe or bag cluttering my floor. The basement finally looks like a basement instead of a gym/playroom/nursery/war zone. No Star Wars figures dangling from a hook that is strategically attached to the lamp shade. No Lego is hiding in the rug waiting to induce pain when stepped on. No orange flakes of plastic from Josh's well worn basketball peppering the carpet. No chips behind the couch or nacho cheese on the chairs. Brynn's 'accident' in the hallway upstairs has been properly cleaned and no dried, crusty toothpaste is on the counter. No bed has sheets dangling our from under the bedspread. No t-shirts are crumpled up and hidden in the closet.


I relish the thought of my perfect state.

For another twenty minutes.

Until boys return from school, quickly waking the sleeping princesses upstairs. Snow will be tracked in and mud will appear on the wood floor. Papers and books and lunchboxes will be strewn throughout the house. The piano will sound, mostly loud odd melodies played too fast or too slow. The laundry will chime and there will be a pile in the bin waiting to be folded. Josh will change his clothes three times, giving me more opportunity to perfect my washing skills. Bathrooms will be used, causing me to run for the Lysol and maybe even a plunger. Sticky peanut butter will be found on knives, counter tops and even on jeans. Cookie crumbs will be scattered across the kitchen floor. Glittery bracelets, clips and babies will be found under the cushions, sippy cups will line the table and cereal on the ground will be mashed into a fine powder.

Yup, life keeps on moving. Leaving me and my ultra clean house in the dust.


And that's OK.

I guess I'll never be bored or out of a job.

And really who wants to live in perfection anyway?

There is too much pressure to keep it perfect!

At least that's what I keep telling myself.

Every day.


Kristi said...

Who knew my little Cheryl was so eloquent? You have such a way with words...

Unfortunately at my house a moment like you had rarely if ever occurs (and I have only two of them!). I swear my ADD prevents me from ever truly accomplishing anything.

And WHATEVER your house is always AMAZINGLY clean. I have said it before, but i SWEAR you are an energizer bunny. I am sure the laundry, peanut butter and cookies were cleaned up in about 30 seconds flat. Admit it.

Anonymous said...

I seem to only get one floor clean at a time. Oh the joy of having the entire house clean at the same time!

Marcie said...

I haven't had my whole house clean (including laundry done) for some months now. I don't seem to have the motivation unless someone is coming to stay with me....sad, but true. It sure is a good feeling though.

Kim Cannon said...

I love the feeling of a clean house, but I agree that it doesn't last more than 10 minutes. Oh well, it keeps us busy anyway!