Saturday, January 3, 2009

Straight from their mouth....

Matt recently failed his eye exam at school. I had him try on my glasses to see if he could read the clock better from across the room. Matt asked, "Do you think I look funny in these glasses?" I replied, "No way. I think you look so handsome!" He dashed across the room to take a peek of himself in the bathroom mirror. He came out smiling. "You think I look good in these?" "Of course I do!" I exclaimed. With pride in his eyes he said, "I know, I know. I do. I look like a gentleman!"

This past weekend we began deep cleaning the house so it will be sparkly clean when my family arrives on Wednesday. Also, Rich and I had a young women from our ward coming over to watch the kids on that night so we could attend the adult session of stake conference. The boys were working hard along with me as we scoured and scrubbed and vacuumed the basement. Matt inquired, "Are we cleaning all of this just for the babysitter?" "Nope Matt," I explained, "We are really trying to get ready for Grandpa and Grandma's Thanksgiving visit. "Matt response was quick, "Man, they should have named Thanksgiving Labor Day because we have to work so hard to get ready for it!"

Elder Richard G. Scott was our speaker at stake conference in November. After the meeting we waited to shake his hand. I felt strongly that this was something the boys would appreciate and always remember. As each one stepped forward and shook his hand the Apostle looked them in the eye and said hello. On Matt's turn, he took the opportunity to tell him to have a safe trip home. Elder Scott gave Matt a squeeze and thanked him. As we walked away from the crowd, Matt looked up and told me he wanted to go back and tell him "Feliz Navidad." I told him our turn was over and that Elder Scott was trying to leave. "Okay then. I want to tell you something I want for Christmas." "Yes Matt." "I want to write and tell Santa I want a piece of paper with Elder Scott's phone number."(I don't think even Santa's magic is that powerful!)

Matt asked me to sign him into Webkins. He sat next to me as I entered his user name and password.Matt watched as I moved my fingers across the keyboard. "Wow Mom. That was some fast tying. That is called 'Blog typing.' He always makes me laugh.

The girls and I headed downtown to pick up a few items at the Boy Scout office. We were driving down the street that passes in front of the hospital. Suddenly from the seat behind me, Kaitlyn got excited and pointed her finger at a building we were nearing. It was the emergency room at UK Hospital. Kaitlyn shouted, "Daddy's house! Daddy's house!" I was impressed since we don't visit or take food to Rich that often. Then Brynn spoke up. She too pointed at the building. "Fixa my owie finga." She said. She was right. Just behind the front door was where Dr. Carter glued her cut finger. I was shocked to see how much these girls can remember!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Man, I love your kids!