Thursday, January 22, 2009

Just in....

Shocking news I just read online!

CDC: Ky. has highest smoking death rate

ATLANTA (AP) — Kentucky and West Virginia — where people traditionally smoke the most — have the highest death rates from smoking, a new federal study has found.

Rounding out the 10 states with the highest average annual smoking death rates were Nevada, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Arkansas, Alabama, Indiana and Missouri.

The lowest death rates were in Utah and Hawaii, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study.

The smoking death rate in Kentucky was about 371 deaths out of every 100,000 adults age 35 and older.

That was nearly one-and-a-half times higher than the national median of 263 per 100,000. And it was nearly three times the rate for Utah, which was 138 per 100,000.

The smoking death rates were calculated using death certificate data from the years 2000 through 2004, focusing on lung cancer and 18 other diseases caused by cigarette smoking.

The rates track pretty closely with the adult smoking rates in each state. Kentucky and West Virginia had the highest smoking rates in 2004 as well.

What an amazing and informative study. Who knew that the state (MY STATE) that has the MOST smokers would have the highest death rate? And the state (MY OTHER STATE) that has the least amount of smokers, is the healthiest. Incredible.

All I can say is, "Who knew?!"

(And how many tax dollars were spent discovering this life altering conclusion???)


Tiffany said...

What brilliant people to have discovered this? And we are paying the CDC to figure this out? Pathetic!

It sure is nice to have a clean house once in awhile. The rest of the time I remind myself something my friend Shawn said -- "excuse the mess, we live here".

Hope you're doing well! Miss you!

Kristi said...

We're #1! We're #1!

But, I think my favorite KY statistic is that we are #2 (behind only West Virginia) for the number of toothless adults over 50. I am so proud of our state!

Marcie said... and Kristi better both get back here ASAP.

Had to chuckle at your comment on my blog. Boy do I know about little girl messes. Alice is worse that both of my boys combined at that age. They may be cute messes, but they sure are keeping me busy.

BTW Lest you be deceived by Alice's sweet smile.....we have plenty of daily doses of "mean witch voice" as well. "Mean witch voice" makes demands , puts people in their place and only a few weeks ago was overheard saying "Do you want a piece of me, Mister"............:)

Julie and Matt said...

Matt and I saw that on TV. It wasn't surprising, but I still love and miss Kentucky!