Friday, January 30, 2009

Random bits of life....

Rich was home today sick in bed. I never think he fully recovered from his weeks of night float. I am hoping that the homemade chicken noodle soup and orange juice will help heal him and get him going tomorrow. The Z-pack might do the trick too. It is never fun to be ill. I think I'll be sleeping on the boys trundle bed (per Rich's request) tonight. It never hurts to be cautious.

Yesterday Rich bought his airline ticket to Washington D.C. On February 8th he will be MOVING there until March 6. Every third year radiology resident (Post Graduate Year 4) gets (HAS) to spend a month training at Walter Reed Medical Center. The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP) instructs and trains the radiology residents in various pathological studies. Each attendee is required to bring their own case and present it. They keep these on file, which gives them a collection like no other. The other residents that have already completed their time have been impressed with the new education they have gained. Let's face it, if you were single this would be quite the trip! Who wouldn't love a break from the hospital and free weekends exploring a new city? That's not quite the case for us. We will try to get Rich home for a weekend or two, but we will not truly know the logistics of it all and if that will be possible until he gets there. I am counting down the days until it is all over with- already.

For a few years now when people find out I have two sets of twins they have asked me if I have ever seen the show Jon & Kate Plus 8 on TLC. While I do have cable, I had never watched the show- until yesterday. Josh was flipping channels and it was on. There actually was a marathon of them so we watched two episodes yesterday and I watched two more while I rode the bike today. Man, hats off to them. I can't imagine SIX children at once. I was (and am) often overwhelmed by two. They are so structured and make it look doable (I would never say easy!), but I know, like she says on the opening, there are days she could lose her mind. I feel like that often and I only have 5-spread out over six years. Amazing people. I hope the family that delivered EIGHT babies just yesterday have a positive outcome and outlook as they do.

I have been really enjoying watching American Idol this season. I haven't really watched it in years since I usually would see bits on of the people I was interested in. Last week they had auditions in Louisville, which was fun. Yesterday it was in Salt Lake City. I loved seeing two of my homes on TV. I also was so impressed and proud at how polite everyone in Salt Lake was. I loved that they showed contestant after contestant say "Thank you" after the judges said no way. Way to show off my great state!! Also, Simon Cowell is an interesting fella. He is all about the whole package. He will dismiss someone with talent because they don't have a certain look or charisma and yet some barefoot, hippie girl with beads in her hair and tattoos (you know who I'm referring too) can come in and squeak by after Paula said she needed to work on her vocals because Simon said she was memorable. True I will remember her, but shouldn't talent be the real judge here? I am excited to see what happens next.

There you have it. A bit of my mind- lots going on inside and often only a few things of importance. Now time for bed!!!


Marcie said...

I'm so relieved to hear you still have power...and so worried about Kristi. My parents were supposed to head to Louisville and surrounding areas on Mon. for a business trip. They canceled because of the storms. It is so scary to think of so many without heat with such cold weather....I've been begging Jim for a generator for years. I'm totally using your storm as further leverage.

Hope that Rich gets feeling better soon....and the sickness ends with him.

My mom and I both love Jon and Kate plus eight. They were actually here in Utah a few weeks ago on thier annual ski trip. They are fascinating......however, I am just as fascinated by you, truly.

Anonymous said...

American idol and John and Kate, two of my favorites. Very disappointed "hippi girl" made it but come hollywood week she'll be gone quick!
Can't believe Rich has to leave for a month. Ouch! Sounds like you get to join us for dinner at least a few of those nights!

Holly said...

I TOTALLY agree with you on the Salt Lake City auditions, even down to Simon's ecclectic (and not very talented) taste.

I also feel for you and Rich during his Washington DC stay. Steve was out here in Idaho for nearly 2 months before we were together again. Definitely not something I want to repeat!

I hope Rich feels better soon, and I hope none of you catch it!

Jen said...

Good luck with Rich being gone. That is very busy for you. You are so supportive of him Cheryl and such an absolute amazing mom and example to me. You'll do just fine.

I agree with you on the talent on AI. Come on, they all constantly contradict themselves. But hey, I still love the show. That bikini girl has got to go. Seriously?!!