Monday, January 19, 2009

Piano Man

It's official. Trey started piano lessons last Tuesday. I have loved hearing the plinks and plunks from the keys as a child practices. Hopefully the excitement will last. One funny thing. Trey is using my old books. I had to go and purchase a new Theory book and I had a good laugh that 25 years later, the books still look just the same. Somethings never change.


Marcie said...

Yep, I used those same books too.

In fact, I'm pretty sure those darn theory books are the reason I only stuck with lessons for four years.....just couldn't understand why I couldn't play a new piece every week instead of plowing through the boring books......don't show this comment to Trey :)

I've been wanting to start Hayden.......I just need a piano first.

Sally said...

No way! They still have those books? I am impressed you kept your all of these years. I am afraid mine are long gone!

Can't wait to hear how lessons go. I am already dreading that whole show with my girls.

I fought my Mom everyday of my piano life!