Thursday, October 30, 2008


Researching online about the Oprah show prior to going DOES help you when attending. It really does pay to be prepared to know what not to take, what colors to wear, when to arrive and what to expect. How you might ask? Like as in FIRST ROW seats in the audience. And sitting next to some of the guests- Bonus.

My mom and sister-in-law watched the taping of the Biggest Loser episode. It airs TODAY!! Check it out!

Update: I totally saw my mom twice really well (for up to 15 seconds) and got two great looks at my sister-in-law Sarah. I was loving it. I called home through the show giving my mom and dad updates since they would have to view it two hours later. I had all my kids around the TV searching for faces anytime they panned to the audience. I was so glad the subject matter was suitable for kids.

Thanks to DVR we can relive the fun forever. I pulled up the show for Rich when he got home and the girls pushed a chair up to the TV and were pointing at my mom who was frozen on the screen (thanks to the pause button) and chanting "Grandma! Grandma!" Rich laughed at my frenzy and excitement. Sure, we see his family on TV during nearly every Jazz game, but come on this was OPRAH in Chicago. I loved the whole thing.

I called Wisconsin and talked to Sarah and Jeff and discovered their cool new flat screen TV had a much wider viewing angle than my older, not so cool TV. Who knew? They were able to see a great face shot of Sarah and they other girls in their group. Wish I could have seen it.

Anyway, it was the highlight of my day. It was awesome. Really awesome.


Marcie said...

I watched part of today's Oprah BEFORE I read this....I'll have to go see if it recorded.

Jen said...

How great Cheryl. What lucky family members to be able to go. Thanks for the fun Halloween card. We loved it. It was funny, Owen looked at Matt and said, "He was my old friend and I was his goodest friend." He must not remember the battles they used to get in! Funny!

Sally said...

Totally cool! So happy that they got a great show...I wasn't quite as lucky!