Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Happiest Place

I think if we all took the time to sit back, relax and let our minds wander we could easily envision our own personal happy place. A safe, comfortable, inviting location where our cares melted away and we found contentment and peace. Where we felt secure, loved and wanted. So wonderful, that if we let ourselves go there too often, we might not ever want to return to reality.

On more than one occasion I have written about 'The Happiest Place on Earth.' No, not Wal-mart as my sweet niece Halle stated. I mean Disneyland. I LOVE Disneyland. I went there for the first time when I was three. I found princesses, a castle, pirate ships, haunted houses, magic, wonder, and happily ever afters. I fell in love so deeply that I am still enamored with it twenty-eight years later. I have been privileged to take my children there three times. Twice with my family and once with Rich's family. To be there surrounded by siblings, parents and your children's cousins bring a whole new love for the park. It's a place where dreams are made and shared. I truly believe that. Where happy memories are cemented in your mind for years to come.

At least once a week I'll tell my boys, "Today would be a great day to....". They quickly reply, "go to Disneyland." And I told Rich just yesterday that I do not care how large or small our house is, but my one request once he completes residency is to take our family to Disneyland every single year. Always.

Today my parents and younger brother embarked on their trek west to Anaheim, California to spend all three days of Rhett's fall break at Disneyland. There they will speed down the Matterhorn, get spooked by ghosts and ghouls, hang with Indiana, dodge killer crocs, zoom through space, take aim with Buzz, glide through Never Never Land and of course eat a turkey leg or two. It's a glorious place to be. I am excited to get phone calls in the morning with the Haunted Mansion music playing in the background. I love that.

I am thrilled that they are going with my dad's younger brother David and his family. They know the secrets about Disneyland. In fact, they are the proud owners of a true Disney house. They share the love as I do.

They have been on my mind all day. And yet, I feel no sense of longing to be there. No pangs of jealousy. For today I realized something in my heart. Something new clicked inside and I was awaken to a new awareness of my own personal happiness.

This evening was one of those perfect, still nights where the temperature outside matched that of inside the house. The sunset was a vibrant orange as the sun slid out of view. The girls and I were outside with the hose giving the flowers a much needed drink when Rich came outside with Trey and headed off to cub scouts. We blew kisses and waved as their car drove out of sight. Josh was playing touch football in the front yard with the neighbors and their playful talk drifted over to where I was standing. Matt was on the porch speaking at a rapid pace, expounding upon the events and stories of his day.

As the night became more pronounced and our chore of watering was coming to a close, I lifted up the nozzle and let the water rise and then lightly fall on the girls. They danced and giggled as they swayed and moved through the mist in the warm night air. It was their own small personal rain fall. As I watched them I pondered these questions. How often do you get an October night when you can happily enjoy playing in the sprinklers? How often do I stop working and let happy little memories be made? Do I stop, look and listen to every word that escapes from my child's lips, for if I don't they will be lost, unable to recall why this and that mattered so greatly to them later on. Do I dance in the rain enough? Do I grab these little moments and fully appreciate life, my family and my own personal happiness? How often do I close my own eyes and let my mind wander to my happy place, where the tasks of the day are forgotten and it is only the little things that matter. The smiles, the laughter, the stories, the people.

While I will always, always love Disneyland, today I understood to a greater degree that it's the people that I share going there with that bring that joy and wonderment. It's not the rides or the souvenirs or the snacks. It's the light you find in their eyes as you share the day. It's holding hands through the large crowds. It's the smiles and giggles as race to the next ride. It's the hope in your heart as you toss your penny into the wishing well. It's the dancing through the streets as the light parade glows on and it's the cuddles from the ones you love as the fireworks mark the end of a perfect day. It's the priceless memories we can look back on a talk about for years to come.

Yes, Disneyland brings happiness to my life, but today I can honestly can say that I am living in the 'Happiest Place on Earth'. Every day of my life. Here with my sweet Rich and our five different, unique and amazing kids. I found it in my own home filled with my most precious and dear loved ones. This is my own personal magical place where dreams are made, shared and lived. That is happiness on earth. For that is the true purpose of life. Eternal. Families. Forever. The most perfect happily ever after. Ever.


Stephanie said...

I couldn't have said it better myself!

Domina said...

Thank you for inviting me to your blog. I loved looking at all the pictures of your cute family. It will be fun to keep in touch even though we are miles away.
Love, Amy

Marcie said...

Davis said that our hike to Timpanogos cave was better than Disneyland.

I've thought about that all day. To our kids, just being together and sharing an adventure makes him just as happy as Disneyland. mmm

Sure does make you think.

Tiffany said...

Thanks for articulating and verbalizing so many of my recent thoughts. I even think I get so caught up in trying to preserve the memories (camera, pictures, posting) that I miss those small things, those special moments.

You are a great mom Cheryl -- I think you have a great ability to soak it all in and appreciate those little precious moments.

And I'm TOTALLY jealous of the picture at the Louisville Zoo Halloween Party!!!! Things are kind of weak here in this department. Congrats to Rich too!! We are so happy for both of you!

Sally said...

Cheryl, you always have such great insight and SUCH a positive attitude. I always leave your blog a happier person- Thanks!