Monday, October 20, 2008

FALL BREAK: Evans Orchard

For our afternoon adventure on day two of the boys break, we decided to head up north to Georgetown and visit Evans Orchard and Cider Mill. It was a bit cool at first, but then the sun broke through and it was a perfect crisp fall day. This is the store where you can purchase apples, pies, fudge, crafts, doughnuts, pumpkins, cider and other various goodies.The nice man that offered to take a group shot of us actually guessed I have two sets of twins. That never happens. He had a good chuckle about all my kiddos. I used to always hear, "You've got your hands full!" Now that the girls are older I hear daily, "Are all these kids yours?!" I love telling them "YES!" with a big grin. How lucky am I!The girls loved the wagon.We picked apples.
Brynn was determined to push the wagon up the hill all by herself..I spied these weeds on the ground. Growing up we called these 'Cheesies' and we would eat the little round seed part. My dad did this as a kid too. I don't think my kids had ever seen them. And no, they did not think they looked appetizing, nor did they take a taste.
The orchard had a wonderful children's play area.Huge SlideA straw castleCorn hole (this is the ULTIMATE Kentucky version!)And a corn maze.Matt even picked flowers for me!The last thing we did was visit the pumpkin patch.The pumpkins they picked.While I still adore Huber Farm up in Starlight, Indiana this orchard was a lot of fun. I'm sure we'll return again next year. It was the perfect outing to do during fall break!


Marcie said...

Such fantastic pictures of the girls. I love the one of the two of them with you in the orchards.

Sounds like a great place. We still have not made it to either of our similar places (HEE-HAWS or Cornbellys). I tried to avoid them during UEA knowing that they would be so crowded and now the weather is cold again.....I need to get on that.

Kristi said...

Looks like you had a fabulous day. I'll tell you one thing, the gagillion photos you take have made you quite the photographer.

Oh, and I TOTALLY dined on "cheesies" (who came up with that!). I had completely forgotten about it until I read your post. I need to hunt some for my girls. I bet they are PACKED with vitamins....