Friday, May 30, 2008

Straight from their mouth....

When we pulled up to the school this morning I noticed Mr. Mackatee dressed in a suit for 5th grade graduation. I mentioned to the boys that their PE teacher was wearing nice clothes for the last day of school. Josh said, "Yup, he's like a doctor of sports stuff."

While visiting the Cincinnati Zoo Matt was pouring over the map helping us see where to go next when he exclaimed, "I can use the four cardinal directions to help us navigate this place." Trey added, "Never eat soggy waffles!" (I grew up saying Wheaties or never eat shredded wheat!)

Matt asked me why he gets bumps on his arms when he is cold. Josh informed him that "goosebumps are made when your skin squishes together making hills, just like how mountains are formed."

This past week Trey has gone on and on in great detail about his love for Hannah, a girl in his class. He's not the only one. His best friends Parker and Dylan are twitterpated as well. Parker was going to hand her a note yesterday that told her he liked her. Trey told him to add his name to the list. Parker first wrote P + H and then below wrote T + H. Later that day Trey asked me if it would be fine if he stared at her all through swim team practice. I told him I thought that wasn't such a great idea. Josh is still in love with Katie and she likes him back. Man, I am in TROUBLE!

The girls' vocabulary has been growing by leaps and bounds lately. They have added such wonderful words like stop, mine and nope to the list. They also use ear piercing screams to get your attention to help them off the table, fix their stroller, put a dress on a Barbie or get them a drink of water. Nice. Why can't we just learn to say 'I love you' instead?!


Marcie said...

Never Eat Shreaded Wheat was what I learned.

p.s. Shreaded doesn't look like it is spelled right. Obviously I am not cut out for the spelling bee either.

Cheryl said...

So funny you remembered that north, east, south, west bit too. When I told Rich about it a few hours ago, I remembered that I also said shredded wheat. I'll have to add that to the post.