Thursday, May 15, 2008


From the minute I found out I was pregnant the third time around, I knew I was having girls. I felt different. I was just so sick, but that was fine because I was ready for some female companionship in my house. The second they arrived, it was something totally new. There were mounds of pink laundry to be folded, bracelets on the dresser and headbands and bows in the drawers. And it wasn't just the gear was a new hue. They came wired differently than my boys. And they still are. They are sweet and gentle with their dolls. They love my makeup, shoes, bags, glitter, necklaces, are obsessed with earrings and are constantly changing their clothes. They never pretend their fingers are guns, they do not wrestle, or love cars, they hardly ever pick up a ball and only when they can not find their babies will they venture into the toy closet that is filled with boy things. Even then they soon find their way back to their kitchen and strollers.
Even though I've gotten used to the fact that I have baby girls after a lifetime of boys, it hit me the other day while at Hobby Lobby browsing picture frames that my little girls are sisters. I know that's like a "DUH!" statement, but I don't know what it is like to have a sister. And I really can't imagine having a sister that is your twin. Yes, they don't look a think alike, but they will share their entire lives together. To have someone else to share a room, or clothes or boy talk or secrets with is something of a mystery to me.
The idea of what having a sister is like is still something I can't fathom. When I was little and my mom was expecting I prayed every night that the new baby would be a girl. But by the time the 3rd boy arrived, I understood some of the advantages being the only girl could bring, but every now and then I would wonder how my life would have been different if I had shared it with another girl.
And though I watch them everday, I'm still amazed with the fact that they are sisters. Just like my girls won't be able to comprehend not having one. And I like that. I like that it can be a good thing for all of us. I adore and appreciate my little bits of pink more than I could have imagined probably because I had to wait nearly 30 years for them to arrive. And they will always have a best friend. Always.Even at Brynn and Katilyn's young age, they love to be together. And I can't tell you how happy that makes me. It's truly delightful. If one wakes up before the other and I come in and pick them up hoping to let the other sleep, the second I put them down they race back to the room to find their other half. They sit and feed each other pretend food, help each other when their strollers get stuck and find outfits for the other to wear. They trade shoes and hair clips and bottles. It's strange to find one without the other. They are two peas in a pod. And I hope that lasts forever. They'll never have to walk into a new school alone or ride a bus and not have someone to sit with. They'll always have some one to double date with to cry or laugh with. They will always have that unquie bond that twin sisters must share.
Yes, I never did get that sister I prayed for but I have always had my mom. She has been my best friend throughout my life and I wouldn't change that for anything. We spent three weeks together in Europe when I finished my junior year of high school. We ran with each other for years before school. We even got to run errands and hit Cafe Rio together every Monday when Trey was a baby. She was my confidante, my strength, my rock and still is. You see with her I never felt lonely or left out about girly things at any time in my life.
So over the years when we have girl ups and downs and drama and angst, I am happy to know through it all that I will always be special to my baby girls because I'm their mom. Because we need our moms every day no matter if we are itty bitty or fully grown. And if there are times during their teenage years when maybe I feel like the sister bond is a bit stronger than the one between mother and daughter, thankfully my mom will always be there for me. That's the beauty of girlfriends. They are always there when you need them, especially if they are also your family. Thank heavens for girls, big and small!
I love you Mom and Brynn and Kaitlyn! Thanks for making me so happy every day of my life!


Marcie said...

This post should be published and sold as one of those little books at Deseret Book on Mother's Day.

These pictures of your girls are beautiful. I love all the different shots. The one of their little hands is so cute.

I think that twins are so intriguing because of that special bond that they will always have. You really have it perfect to have gotten the boys and then the girls together.

I like you, don't have a sister and get sad thinking that Alice may not have one either. The funny thing is that I never missed it growing up, it is only as an adult that I wished I had one. However, like you, my mom fills most of that role for me as an adult.

Girls really do sweeten life and it really is magical that yours came double.

Sarah said...

Love this post! Your girls are beautiful. I also love the thoughts about your mom. It's been so nice to be here in Salem and I've been able to spend such fun times with your mom- going to a temple session together, Cafe Rio (just like you two used to), and wandering through lots of craft and home accessories stores where we see so many cute things that might not have anywhere in the house to go, but they're so fun!!

We can't wait to see you!!

Ashlee said...

So cute. I think it would be wonderful to have a twin. I have a younger sister and even though we are so different and growing up we had some rough times, we are now so close. When my older brother got married I thought his wife would take my place, since I was KY but I shortly realized that nothing can replace a sister bond.
My mom was an only girl with five brothers and she use to say you are so lucky to have a sister. And I would say you are so lucky not to have one. You are always grandma's favorite. I think we were both lucky.

Your girls are adorable. Love those dresses!

Kristi said...

Your girls are precious. As lucky as you feel to have them, they are even more so to have you as a mother. You are darling! Oh, and i love the bows....

Tiffany said...

What sweet thoughts about your girls! It will be fun to watch them grow up. I love the picture of them laughing. I don't think I've seen Kaitlyn laughing so hard before. Just think, they get to have each other as friends AND you! They are very blessed!

Vicki said...

I loved that post. Thanks you for sharing your thoughts about your little girls. They are so cute and so lucky to have you as a mom. Whenever I read your posts, you motivate me to be a better mom.

I agree with Marcy--those thoughts should be published in a book. In fact, most of your blogs should be. You are such a great writer.

Tiffany said...

oh cheryl! first, the pictures of the girls at the top of the post and the one of them holding hands need to be glued to the wall! They are soo precious.

second, this post made me cry! twin sisters have such a special bond, your girls will be so lucky to share that with one another and with you!

Jen said...

It doesn't get sweeter than that Cheryl! Precious precious!

Jen said...

sorry I forgot to mention that I am so glad you have your mom to confide in. I feel the same with my mom. I literally talk to her about everything. I love that she is honest with me no matter if I am right about something or wrong. I love that your girls will forever have each other through everything. Hopefully, they don't double gang up on you during the teen years. he-he They really are so sweet Cheryl.