Sunday, April 17, 2011

Thunder 2011

Cincinnati, April 16, 2011

I may have a grudge match brewing between me and Mother Nature.  She completely rained on my parade yesterday, well, fireworks really.  She can't find the turnoff valve to the water falling from the sky.  Ohio, Kentucky and other states are currently partially submerged.  The Ohio River is crazy high.  It just doesn't seem to stay sunny for very long around here.  As soon as the glorious rays appear, dark clouds descend and block them out completely.  Our umbrellas and rain boots have never seen this much use.

Our Saturday schedule had been wiped clean.  After Josh's baseball opening ceremonies and the girls attended a birthday party, we were informed that baseball and soccer had been canceled.  Not a surprise because there was standing water in the backyard and on all the lawns I could see.  After a boring afternoon, I knew we had to at least try to get to the most exciting and beautiful firework show in North America:  Thunder Over Louisville. 

We made a valiant attempt to be there.  We looked a bit like snowmen in our layers of warm clothes.  We loaded up the car with tarps, umbrellas, winter coats, hats, gloves, blankets and treats.  I had the memory card wiped clean and the video camera charged.  Then we got a triple whammy of sorts.

* Down pouring of rain
* 20 mph sustained winds with stronger gusts
* Bitter cold temps that felt like the upper 30's

There also was the nagging reality that 1/4 of the Great Lawn in Louisville was under water and there was a possibility that River Road might look similar and be closed, making it impossible to park and walk down like we have for years.

Rich was a trooper and sweet to drive as far as he did.  The windshield wipers were going full blast and the car shook from the intense winds.  He only was doing this to please me.  He kept driving for fear I'd never forgive him if we didn't make it.  We turned around at I-75.  It broke my heart, but my choice to keep going would have certainly been selfish and complete bad judgement.

We flipped around on I-71 and drove to the other city on the river.  The Ohio was swollen beyond its banks.  I wished I was 110 miles away, but it was the right choice.

Seven times I've watched the fireworks.  I'd love a lifetime more.  I've only missed twice since we moved to Kentucky. The first was when we had 3 week old twin girls and Rich was on call.  The second was when I was on bed rest with my pregnancy with Zach (Rich refused to drive from Lexington and push me in a wheelchair... I did ask).  The problem is this was our last chance to see them while we lived close. I know we could always come back.  It would be a great excuse, but I still wanted to be there this year, even in the cold and rain. At least the 2010 show was nothing short of perfection.  Even Zach got in on the fun.  It was an amazing show to end on.

So, I'll smile today with those memories of us on the Great Lawn when it was warm and lovely and the fireworks were stunning, as always.  Then I'll think of the fun dinner we had together in a crowded Chili's booth with my family last night.  Making memories in whatever city and event we find ourselves in.

Thanks Thunder for a decade of amazement and showmanship.  You're one of my favorite things ever.  I know we will meet again.


Sally said...

Oh Cheryl! I am so sorry but truly love this honest post and the fact that Rich was willing to go for you...despite the conditions.

You are such a trooper! I seriously considered taking my girls back this year and am sooooo glad I didn't! I talked to Jenni yesterday who gave me the weather update. Crazy that it had been 90 degrees just a few days earlier!

Thunder is just so unpredictable!

Sally said...

Oh...but I am mad at myself that I didn't watch it online. Jenni said it airs...

Marcie said...

Darn it. I was hoping it would clear up for you.

Big time brownie points for Rich for giving it a go.