Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A birthday wish

She had asked.  She was ready.  She really, really wanted to.  She knew she would be beautiful.  She was brave.  She didn't even cry.  She was still smiling when it was all over.  Brynn got her ears pierced on her fifth birthday (just like her Mama).  Did twin sister want to?  "Noooo Way!"  Dad held Zach, brothers watched and Grandmas were there too.  A memorable event.  Love you Brynn!


Marcie said...

How did I not notice this?!?

They look beautiful! What a brave girl. So fun that the grandmas were there as well.

Jana said...

Brad and I were walking through the mall on Saturday and he turned to me and said, "When do you want to pierce Joslyn's ears." My first thought was now because I think they are so cute. I then said to Brad, "When she asks for them. I am thinking five." Later that night I was feeding Landon and I came across this post. By the way thanks for all the updates it helps for an enjoyable night feeding.
So proud of brave Brinn. She looks darling, as always. Can't wait to get Joslyn's pierced.
I am so glad the girls could have a great big celebration, with so many people that love them. After all they do deserve it. We love you!

Uncle Brad and Aunt Jana, Joslyn, and baby Landon