Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A decade of friendship

We were so lucky to spend the evening with two of our favorite families, the Hamiltons and the Alcorns.  We ate pizza, salad, fruit, cupcakes and peanut butter cookies.  The kids got lost in the basement playing Legos, tea party and many other things I was oblivious too.  The best part was that even though it has been years since they have been my Louisville neighbors, it was like no time had passed at all.  That's the beauty of real friends.  They are timeless.  Thanks Marcie and Kristi for a fabulous night!


Marcie said...

I look a little "deer in the headlights" in this photo. Not sure what that is about.

It was SO good to see you all. I can't wait until you are back here and we can hang out much more often.

It was fun to catch up all all your activities in Utah. We've been wanting to check out the fun new things at the Riverwoods.

Your grandparents are all so cute and I love your kids' names for them all.

Jana said...

I love this photo! It makes me sad to know that I have to leave my Kristi. Some of my favorite people in this world I have met in Wisconsin. I sure hope that we can stay in touch as well as you and these wonderful women have.