Monday, April 25, 2011


The Gentle Healer by Greg Olsen

Easter is a beautiful time of reflection.  It is the one time I stop, analyze my own life, take note of what I'm doing well and what needs improvement.  Usually life is so busy that I don't find that quiet personal time that I can recognize my weakness and shortcomings and map out a plan of how I can adjust my life so I can overcome my problem areas. 

I love the hope the Gospel of Jesus Christ offers.  We are not perfect, but we can become perfect.  It often takes a lifetime and more, but through the ultimate sacrifice of our Savior Jesus Christ we all have been given the opportunity to repent of our sins and to live again.  What a message!  It gives meaning to life and creates a desire to do our best every day.  It makes me a better wife, mother, daughter, neighbor and friend when I put the principles I've been taught to use.  It makes me happy.  It gives me peace.  It makes my life complete.

This Easter seemed extra special.  I loved preparing my primary lesson for my CTR 5 class.  The lesson title was us: Christ Made It Possible for Us to Live Forever.  The first topic was that Jesus Christ loves all of us.  The second was that He wants to help us.  And third was that He died for us because he loves us.  I loved hearing the children's answers about Jesus and his life.  Even at their young age they understand the infinite love that our Savior has for all of us.

I loved the sharing time message.  One of the classes presented it and the teacher called six men and women from the ward to come in dressed as Mary Magdalene, the apostles Peter, John, Timothy, a disciple and a Nephite.  Rich was asked to be John.  As I sat there holding Zach on my lap with Brynn and Kaitlyn in the row in front of me, I listened to these members give the accounts from the scriptures of the testimonies of Jesus Christ.  They were powerful messages.  It touched my heart and strengthen my own testimony of the truthfulness that Jesus did live, he did die and he does live again.  I hope all the children remember how they felt during this special lesson.

Trey was asked to give a talk.  It gave us an opportunity as a family to discuss his topic of Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer. We talked about loved ones who have passed away and how excited we are to see them again.  Rich helped him write a beautiful talk.  You rarely get to speak on such a special day, but Trey did a great job.

Next year I hope to use a few of the many ideas I found online that outline an entire week of activities and lessons you can do with your family to help us remember Jesus' life.  Each day you learn more about the Savior, map out the last week of his life, helping you be more spiritually prepared to celebrate such a special holiday on Easter Sunday.  It truly is a joyous day when we give thanks for our lives, our blessings, our families and our Savior Jesus Christ.

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