Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I remember last year wondering how in the world I could top a birthday that ended with 5th row seats to Disney Princesses on Ice in Lexington, KY. 

When I discovered spring break fell over the girls' birthday, I knew I'd be fine.  They had never celebrated their birthday in Utah with family.  It would be easy to make it memorable.  Very, very easy.

The parties started early.  The first was at preschool Wednesday.  Cupcakes, special hats and gifts. Let the festivities begin!

We kicked off the pre-birthday party the day before here in Cincinnati.  The table was overflowing with gifts (mainly things I already had and didn't want to move!).  We flew to Salt Lake that night.  The flight attendant found out their birthday was the next day and gave them special snack boxes as a gift.  So cool.

Their real birthday was on Friday, March 25.  They got all dolled up in their birthday gear.  After breakfast we headed straight to the mall.  Brynn wanted to get her ears pierced first.  I was so happy that she picked out the earrings I thought were the prettiest.  Grandma Nance was there and Grandma Blackhair came too.  Next we hit Build-A-Bear where Kaitlyn sweetly agreed to get the darling lamb (cutest stuffed animal in the store!) instead of the bunny.  'Sally the Lamb' looked beautiful in her ballet costume.  Brynn picked out a fun panda, because she's a panda lover.  Her animal named 'Emma' looked really cute in a pink and white outfit and finally agreed to go with the pink shoes instead of the crazy blue ones she insisted on at first.  Next we hit Cafe Rio with my Mom and Dad.  My favorite food on the planet!  Then we went up to Jacksons.  My brother Kurt dropped by after his day at BYU was done.  The Jackson's threw a huge pizza party for the girls and their cousin Kalle who is exactly one year younger.  They got new princess toys and a darling Disney outfit.  So lucky.

The party finally wrapped up the next day with a trip to Chuck-E-Cheese on Saturday with my family.

What a party!  Nearly a week straight.  I think next year I'll have a hard time replicating this.  I might actually have to throw them a REAL birthday party and invite the cousins and friends.  That would be a first.  

Happy #5 Kaitlyn and Brynn!
We love your spunk, your sweetness, your smiles, your sparkly blue eyes, your stories, your drawings, your love for each other and for our family and that you make us laugh and smile every day. 


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