Monday, April 25, 2011

The Easter Bunny Visits

Long has the been the Easter Bunny's tradition of yarn and the baskets.  He was sneaky again this year and hid every one's treats in secret locations.  It didn't take as long as the marathon hunt of last year, but the kids loved every second wrapping their string around their assigned spoon until they discovered their hidden treasure.  Even Zach appreciated the fun of this hide and seek type game.  Zach got a Lion Webkinz and some candy.  The girls got Barbie dolls and new pencils and paper, Matt got Star Wars toys, Josh got two baseball video games and Trey got a DS game (Plants vs. Zombies) and the third book in the Tunnels series he's been reading and of course a chocolate bunny and some candy. 

While the Bunny's visit is something the kids look forward to every year and is a highlight of this holiday, Rich and I both thought this event would be better if it was not on Easter Sunday.  I think from now on we'll be putting out our baskets on Friday night with the hope that the kids can see a clear line between the world's view of Easter: eggs, treats, hunts and bunnies and the real reason we celebrate Easter:  The Life, Death and Resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ.

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