Friday, August 1, 2008


While thousands of females (and a few males too), young and old, eagerly stay up until midnight across this country standing in long lines at various book shops- some in near hysteria- dying to get their hands on final Stephanie Meyer book in the 'Twilight saga' (her own words- not mine) I am guessing few if any realize they truly missed the real treasure of the day. Ask any of her faithful fans what the world 'eclipse' means and I'm sure they'll recount a fanciful tale of a love triangle between a human, a vampire and werewolf.

Though I've read her books and found them amusing, to me there is one and only one thing that the word 'eclipse' brings to mind. Pure magic. A bit of heaven on earth. A true gift from God that many in the world will never appreciate, understand or fathom its perfect beauty.

Yes, today brought one of those rare moments of wonder. A once in a lifetime, never forgotten precious few minutes for a few lucky souls. So if you were like me, you probably didn't happen to make it to Canada, northern Greenland, the Arctic, central Russia, Mongolia or China this morning, but you can still see the total solar eclipse. Just not in real time. It occurred starting about at 6:15 AM ET. A man from the Russian Federation posted his home video on It captures the excitement of all who had the privilege to view it.

NASA has a pretty step-by-step photo collage of the event as it unfolded. You can view it at

While watching a video and seeing still photos is not quite as incredible as seeing in person like I had the opportunity to back on July 11, 1991 on the Big Island of Hawaii, hopefully you can grasp the importance and miracle of it all.


Laura F said...

I always think of you and our families when I hear about eclipses! I read about this one a few days beforehand and was disappointed to learn we'd miss it completely here, but maybe someday. I'll have to get a hold of a calendar and plan to see one in the future, my mom still talks about them, too! Russia just wasn't in the cards this time. :-)

Marcie said...

Hayden used this Eclipse as one more reason our family should be traveling to China on vacation this summer. Thanks for sharing the videos.

Barney Family said...

Cheryl, wow I was just reading over your blog and I am continually impressed by your energy.
I flew with Beckham this past week and I was dying, let alone flying with 2 two year olds. I am glad they were good for you on the way home. your girls are too cute and full of life. I love the dish soap all over the coffee table. I also love your post about checking out at the grocery store, I laughed and I too can relate. My Beckham has started to hit those terrible two's. I hope we survive.


Kristi said...

I too would like to see this one day. Totally wild...

Jen said...

Thanks for the little educational clip!