Wednesday, August 13, 2008

First Day of School

It's that time of year again. When the backpacks are loaded, lunches are packed and the kids are dressed and fed by 7:15 AM. That's a way to kick start a day! School started today and I had to admit we were all ready and excited. There were no worries since all the boys have the same teacher as last year and half of their class will be the same. I love that. It takes away the nerves and allows them to focus on learning and moving forward instead of starting from scratch with a new teacher and having to make new friends. The night before Josh had his entire outfit laid out on the floor. He's always like that and relishes in being prepared. Earlier in the day we spent a good half an hour dividing up the 11 bags of school supplies. I was very excited to get my laundry room back to normal! My only concern was wondering how my boys' were going to get their 75 lb. backpack and extra plastic sack of goodies to their classroom the next morning.We left for school at 7:30 AM- school starts at 7:45 AM. There were literally a hundred walkers (students and parents) making their way up the hill. Parents are allowed to walk your child to their classroom for the first two days. Also, the school had a breakfast for parents to celebrate the new year and had stated there would be tissues and a shoulder to lean on if you needed it. I saw husbands and wife and babies in strollers making their way to the front doors. Here I was in my pink robe, the lone car crusin' up to the drop off zone with no intention in the world of stepping foot out of my van. I tossed Josh and Trey their needed papers and lunch money out the window and they buzzed inside with out turning back. Yes, Matt barely made it out of the door after getting his massive backpack stuck on the seat, but in my defense I gave him a push from behind to help dislodge him, snapped some fun pictures, waved and blew them a kiss goodbye as I smiled and drove off. I guess my opinion on kids and school is- love them and leave them. It's healthy for all of us that way.Though we didn't leave them for long. They had asked us girls to come to lunch. Of course I had planning on it all along, but it was so sweet that they asked. Brynn and Kaitlyn were so excited to visit their brothers.The entire parking lot and sidewalks were covered in Patriot Pride.They switched up lunch times from last year. Trey comes in first at 11:20 AM. Josh and Matt joined us later at 11:45 AM. The girls loved eating their tater tots and apples.The girls and I ran to Sam's Club and Wal-mart to restock the cupboards and barely had time to toss the frozen goods in the freezer and head over to pick up. We met them at the bottom of the hill at 2:45 PM- ten minutes after school lets out. Trey was the first to the van. You can see the school behind him.Matt and Josh were close behind. One day down- many, many more to go. Good times. Good times....


Marcie said...

Congratulations on making it through the first day. The boys look so excited.

That was quite the undertaking to get all of those supplies to the right kids. I commented to Jim how easy preparing for this school year is because the kids don't need any new clothes or school supplies......then Jim reminded me they better not need anything considering the amount we are paying in tuition.....good point:)

Jen said...

I'm glad to see that everyone got off to a great start. I would die at that early school start time. School here doesn't start until 9:15 and it is heavenly! I know you are like me and not a morning person, but I am so proud of how well you do. We don't start school until the 2nd of September. Such a different schedule compared to everyone else.

Also, I love Frankfurt. It is such a great little city. We always thought the capital was so beautiful.

What a fabulous waterpark as well. I love aquatic centers like that. The kids always have such a great time. Fun stuff Cheryl.

Anonymous said...

You ended the summer with a bang! Love Frankfort. You did a ton of stuff there. The water park looks super fun too. And, Ahhhhhh school is in session.