Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Jessamine County Aquatic Center

What better way to end summer than a trip to a water park. Yes, the temperatures hovered around 80 degrees and there was a cool breeze, but the boys said they were game and I was happy the cooler weather would keep the crowds to a minimum. It turned out to be a great afternoon together.Trey loved this picture of himself.Brynn, Matt and Kaitlyn trying to keep warm. The girls and I brave the freezing water to test out the play area but the ice water took our breath away and Trey kept turning on water sprayers that blasted us.We were happier just getting our feet wet. Brynn proudly declares, "I swimming!"Matt flies into the water. It seems like he enjoyed it.Josh liked the slower open slide more. Josh and Matt The slides looked like so much fun, when the lines were empty we all went over to the fence and the boys corralled the girls so I could go down each slide once. I haven't been on a waterslide in years. I had forgotten how much I love them. I'm sure we'll be back next year.....when it's warmer!

1 comment:

Marcie said...

I think it is great that you did the waterslide yourself.... especially with the cold water waiting at the bottom. You are such a fun mom.