Sunday, August 17, 2008


What personal satisfaction one could receive if you were a heralded author. Someone whose written word was widely read and discussed. That is probably a highly unlikely scenario for most of us. Our photo might not be found on the back cover of a hefty piece of literary fiction. We do not have a secret pen name or an illustrator working up the next piece of cover art. We might not be backed my a major publisher or be reaping the rewards of a royalty check from our newest best selling novel, but I do believe we are all storytellers. We are weaving our own personal tale with each passing day. We are the author of our own lives. We have the ability to change the plot, to add or remove characters and we can, to an extent, alter specific endings that are not pleasing to us. We have the ability to choose, to create, to live, learn, to know, to help, to teach, to grow, to make magic appear in our lives and others.

What kind of story are your writing? You can find it in the tales held in your heart. The words you utter from your lips. The statements that float into the ears of your children or neighbor. It is shown in how you deal and overcome trials and disappointments. Will you rise to the challenge, or be crushed from the weight never to recover? How will you play the hand of cards you are dealt in life? What do you keep, what do you discard? What ideals and hopes do you hold dear? What are your personal wishes and dreams? What is your idea of happily ever after? And what are you doing to achieve it?

What will your tome hold between the covers? I say- whatever we put there. Whatever we dream. What ever we choose to pass on. It's up to us. We hold the pen. We are the paper. It's up to us to write it down and live it out. It's ours for the taking. It's our life and no one else. What will your final script be? No one can decide but you.....

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Thank you for that post. It is ALWAYS a nice reminder that I have the choice of what I become. You're right, I won't ever be a widely noted author, but I am writing a story of my own, unlike anyone elses. Love you guys!