Thursday, July 31, 2008


Yup, we are back in the great state of Kentucky. In some ways our three week getaway was long enough and in other ways it simply made us miss Utah and our families and friends there. I decided if I only go home for a week, then I stay in complete vacation mode rushing here and there, checking off lists, while the days fly by like hours. But if you stay longer you suddenly can imagine yourself living there and realize all there is to offer and what you're missing when you are away. It a tough spot to be in since we have two more years here in Lexington and a year fellowship who knows where after that. Sure we are already eight years in this long trek, but knowing that my little brother Rhett, who will be a senior in high school this year, will be half way done with his mission when we are finally through makes it still feel like the finish line is still not close enough to sprint towards.

Though I am not complaining. On my final day in Utah I watched my younger brother Jeff and his wife Sarah, with the help of Rhett, load all their belongings into an ABF freight trailer. They were headed east towards Wisconsin the next day marking the beginning of their medical school adventure. Rewind to December 2000 and we were the ones packing up our condo in Provo and loading it into the ABF trailer and found ourselves saying goodbyes to loved ones. How the time quickly passes. I am excited for Jeff and Sarah and this new chapter in their lives. I have found most of my dearest friends over these past eight years and I appreciate all I have learned and accomplished while in Lexington and Louisville. I wouldn't trade these experiences for anything- even owning a home with a Utah County zip code.

While the end of living far away is still a bit off, this short break was the perfect way to spend the middle bit of our summer. Baseball was complete, swimming had wrapped up and Rich was going to be crazy busy when we were gone so there was really not much we were missing out on here. It had been two years since we stayed in Utah for more that seven days. Back in 2005 when we were there for two months, I was trying to juggle newborn twins and knew I still had to move from Louisville to Lexington. It wasn't quite as relaxing as this summer was for us all. This time it was about seeing people we love and enjoying all the things Utah has to offer. And that is quite a lot.

I loved that for the first time my girls realized there people they could know and love outside our little Kentucky bunch. They fell in love with their grandparents. They would call for and ask for Grandma all day long. Now when the phone rings, Brynn and Kaitlyn ask if it's Grandma. I found Brynn walking around with a play phone chatting away to Grandma. And when Rich made Kaitlyn get off the table Kaitlyn asked for Grandma. I would too if I were her. She knows who loves her. I'd say she's one smart girl.

We loved seeing all our new family members. Brad and Jana's wedding was lovely and we couldn't have found a better fit for Brad. They are perfectly suited for each other. We girls cooed over all the newborn babies we met- Julianne's handsome William, Heather's little Ava and Kate's darling Oliver. All the sister in laws were so sweet to my girls and let them hover and pat their little babies. They even let Brynn peek while the babies nursed. What saints.

Yes, being in Utah made me see my girls are part monkey and are non speakers, but the words are slowing coming and I've been the counter/table police hauling them off the danger zones whenever I spy them. They might not have a lot to say, but they certainly keep me on my toes- here and there.

Utah adventures were full of friends and family. I got to spend time with blogging buddies, friends from Louisville, old time friends from high school and Lexington lifesavers. Each visit made me realize how blessed I have been to have amazing women in my life. Thank you to all.
We saw all our family, hugged and kissed every grandparent and I look forward to when our visit will be on a more frequent basis.

We also managed to stop at nearly every fun place we could find and eat at every delicious restaurant our stomach growled for. We went bowling, miniature golfing twice, visited the zoo, the Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving point, Discovery Gateway Children's Museum, The Clark Planetarium, saw Kung Fu Panda, splashed and slid in the Alcorn's back yard, bounced and dug sand in Amanda's new back yard, played at Chuck-E-Cheese, sang along to the iPod with Rhett, played Guitar Hero with the boys for the first time, went swimming at Jackson's, climbed around McDonald's play land, hit a bucket of ball with Grandpa Jackson for the boys, plus real golfing with Grandpa J. for Josh, bounced and got wet at the Howlett's new home, walked to the pond to feed the ducks, hiked to a waterfall in Payson canyon, temple session for me, endless croquet matches in Salem, ate at Cafe Rio, PF Changs (finally!), Wendy's, Hogi Yogi, Chili's, Papa John's, gobbled banana Creamies, stopped at every Shaved Ice stand we could find, and enjoyed delicious BBQ's at home with both families. Seriously, who could ask for more?!

In fact I had Rich take a stab at how many photos I uploaded to the computer last night from our trip out west. He guessed 180. Nope. 260. Not even close. How about over 1,300! Yes, I am a photo freak. And if you were near me for even a brief second I probably snapped your picture. Thank heavens for digital! I can't even begin to fathom how much that would all cost to print out. I have to admit I wasn't too surprised when blogger informed me I had reached my maximum quota. I paid my 20 bucks yesterday and am hoping they'll allow me to upload new photos shortly. If not, I'll probably start getting the shakes from not blogging about the trip. Sad, but true.

Our trip back home went nearly perfect, which was such a relief since I was flying solo with the kids. Rich had to come back 2 weeks before us for work and even jetted down to Miami for half a week for a board review coarse. It seems that the saying 'no rest for the weary' applies to us quite well. I secured a gate pass from Delta for my mom and I was grateful she got us up to the airport, helped us through security and waited with us at the gate. They were boarding out flight when we got there. I wanted to be the last one on the plane. Yes, I might bump every seated passenger with the 2 car seats, camera case, tote bag and purse I had loaded onto my body, but even 5 extra minutes off the plane sounded good to me. Besides a hold up in first class with Kaitlyn asking me "What's this?" and pointing at every person and then the girls' lack of desire to walk to the rear of the plane (row 34 and 35 for us) we finally did make it to our seats, strap in the gang and I finally stopped sweating by the time we took off 30 minutes later. The girls were amazing. The boys sat in front so they could happily kick away with out me freaking out and soon 3 1/2 hours later we safely landed in Cincinnati. I think I worried Rich a tiny bit when it took us over 35 minutes to get off the plane to the security check point to where he was waiting, but you can only go one speed when you are loaded down with 200 pounds of gear and 5 kids- SLOW.

The girls spotted their daddy from a long ways off and their happy shrill screams hello warmed my heart. It was good be to back together. The second thing to welcome me back was the intense oppressive wave of thick hot air that blasted us as we exited the Cincinnati airport. That is one thing I didn't miss while being away. I love dry climates and mountains. But I also love lawns that don't need to be watered and the intense green found wherever you look here in the Bluegrass. I am lucky that I truly do love both of our 'homes'.

I am finally feeling like we are getting back to the swing of things. The boys watched TV and played video games all day on Tuesday and Wednesday and I really didn't mind. The weather was gloomy, rainy and hot outside (you wouldn't think those three things would go together but they do) and after six weeks of swim team and three crazy busy weeks in Utah I was ready for some serious down time. By the end of day two, all the suitcases were in the storage room, the floors were cleared of clothes and shoes and after a late night marathon trip to Wal-mart with my trusty shopper Kaitlyn there was even food in the fridge. I did laugh though when the checker eyed my crazy full shopping cart (other shoppers were catching items as they fell off!). At the end he wiped off his brow, handed me the extremely long receipt and informed me that was the most food he had ever checked. Guess he didn't know how many hungry mouths I have to feed back home. Then yesterday at Great Harvest an older woman questioned me why I was purchasing so many loaves of bread. I had four on the counter- one for a neighbor who picked up our mail and watered my plants and the other three were for me. I just smiled and told her my kids loved toast. I never question the large quantities I buy, but to some it looks very odd. I guess it's what you are accustomed to.

Through all the goodbyes and hugs and well wishes I didn't get very emotional. I guess years of living away can do that too you. Plus we rarely go longer than six months with out seeing family so I know I'll see them again soon- but I was nearly brought to tears last night. After spending a full hour and two Mr. Clean Erasers scrubbing the kitchen sparkling clean from top to bottom, Kaitlyn rushed in from the garage and tossed a can of diet root beer on the floor. It burst open and whizzed around at top speed hurling brown liquid from the top of the cupboards to the floor boards below. I was ready to sacrifice my body and throw myself on top of the can, but in seconds flat the can's contents were over the room. I wasn't pleased. Not one bit. I often feel like my life is in constant rewind. My days and chores are repeats from the previous one. But in the mist of my anger I recalled something my mom and dad had just said to me. That after a summer full of grandchildren and chaos their house would be too quiet and clean, no sticky floors, no smudged glass and that it was a sad day for all when we left. My heart was soften and I was buoyed up knowing that life does move to quickly and while we bring clutter and messes where ever we go, we are missed when we leave. It touched my heart and nearly brought a tear to my eye. And if there ever was a good reason to cry it's this- knowing you are loved.


Laura F said...

Welcome home!!!! I missed you, and am so glad to hear you had such fun in Utah for your three weeks! I agree totally about not missing the muggy-ness here, but that the green is beautiful, and it sounds like you were really able to fit in a lot of visits and time with family and friends. It's so cute how your girls bonded with their grandparents, and I bet it makes it all the harder to take them away again! That will be the #1 thing we miss in April if/when we take ours away again. It's so nice being close!

Marcie said...

What a beautiful ending to this post. My heart cried for you knowing how frustrating it is to have all your hard work undone in a matter of seconds. You have such a great outlook on life and it sounds like you get that from your parents.

I just love being around you and your kids. Watching you in action is really inspiring. Really.

I feel honored that amidst that extremely impressive list of activities, we were able to squeeze some time in with you. It was great.

I'm not at all surprised by the number of photos you had. I had 130 just from a weekend at the cabin, so I can imagine a three week vacation.

Hopefully you will be able to enjoy a little more time relaxing before the school rush begins.

p.s. Did you like P.F. Changs?

Melissa {polkadot chair} said...

I'm so glad you are back. I've missed your posts here in "blog" land..
Your post made me miss Utah, we too go there with our long "list" of things to eat.
My sister just left today- my Mom came in June to take the kids to Ut, then my sister brought them back and stayed for 3 weeks- that was the last "part" of our crazy summer. So I am with you and ready for some serious "down time". we have one week before school starts to have our lazy summer!
I loved the last part too- that is the one thing I noticed when Andrw &Sydney went to Kindergarten, how quiet everyhthing gets and so quick! It really made me realize that I don't have too many more years with kids at home. It really does go very quickly.
Glad you are home safe!

Melissa {polkadot chair} said...

sorry for all the typos... trying to cook dinner and blog at the same time, not a good idea.

Anonymous said...

So glad you're back. Thanks for letting the boys come play today. Looking forward to a fun school year and seeing you often in the lunchroom!

Kristi said...

Wow. That was like the mother of all blog posts and you didn't even have any photos! For the love! I think I will be sad when this residency thing is over (in, like 10 months! AGHH!!) and we do not get to go on vacation to grandma's house anymore. There is something to be said about the unique/bonding experience in staying with those wonderful people, messing up their house, eating their food and adding chaos to their otherwise quiet lives. I am always reminded of how special it is when it comes time to tear my girls away from the grandparents they have again rediscovered and fallen in love with.

Jen said...

You have such great parent's Cheryl. What a great reminder about the "messes" I needed to hear that and what a blessing to know how loved you all are. I'm glad you had such a great trip with family and friends. I haven't been home for 11/2. I would love to go home.

Now go dump rootbeer all over your kids and then make them clean it up!!:)