Saturday, April 24, 2010

Game ball

He had been in a long drought. For over 12 months, he had not gotten that added little pat on the back, signaling a personal victory on the field from an appreciative coach. That small thank you from the sidelines.

After the team started their slow slide downhill towards the middle of the standings last spring, his old coach simply stopped handing out game balls.

These beat up, used balls mean a lot to the players that receive them. They are a marker of their personal success. A sign of a game well played. They are presented after the game as the team huddles together to chat about their performance as a whole and individually. Parents stand close by, listening, waiting.

Josh had played well. He had a double and triple. He had a few RBI's. He even had a double play at first base.

Even if it was the team across the way, standing behind their own dugout, smiling and beaming and discussing their victory, Josh was celebrating a victory all his own. The beloved game ball was finally going home with him.

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