Monday, April 26, 2010


8 1/2 months old
23 pounds
size 18-24 months or 2T clothes
two teeth (bottom)
will eat ANYTHING I feed him
loves drinking water and stealing his sisters sippy cups
could spend all day playing in the tub
can crawl with lightning speed
pulls himself up to furniture, walls or even your leg
quiet child, doesn't fuss a lot, not a babbler
deep laugh
big, bright blue eyes
wide grin
golden red hair
amazing nighttime sleeper
random napper
will let anyone hold him
recognizes his name
adores clanging pots and pans and pulling out drawers or emptying bookshelves
loves ripping paper
speed crawls over to any ball
hates getting put in his car seat
enjoys being outside at baseball or soccer games
does not suck his thumb, take a pacifier or need a blanket
sweetest baby ever!


Marcie said...

I just want to bite those cheeks. I seriously LOVE him.

Kristi said...

Cheryl, you seriously are becoming quite the photographer. These almost look professional. That little guy's eyes are GORGEOUS!!!

traci said...

He is such a cute little red head. I want to come and hold him (if he would let me). Your photos are beautiful and so is he.