Saturday, October 17, 2009

A valiant attempt

I have been a Louisville Zoo member for the past nine years. Every October they have have an event dubbed "The World's Largest Halloween Party". It runs all month Thursday- Sunday.

In years past if you are a zoo member, you get in for free. With our current economic state, the zoo is hurting for funds, so they changed the rules a bit this year. To get in for free using your pass, you had to attend during the first two weekends in October.

Last weekend was cold, rainy and both soccer and baseball practice and games were canceled because of the weather. I had my heart set on attending the Louisville Zoo Halloween Party this weekend since it was the last of the free days. Rich was on call on Saturday, so I planned a trip to our old home on Friday night. It's been our Fall Break, so this was another adventure on our already full plate.

After a morning of dance class for the girls and a trip to Fort Boonesborough, we got home and I began the long task of finding costumes, repairing costumes, painting faces, getting children dressed and gathering warm jackets, PJ's and snacks for the trip.

We soon had a few spooky faces in our midst and a couple of darling princesses ready for some fun and lots of warm clothes in the car. Rich got home around 6 PM and after a few minutes of picture taking we loaded the car and started our drive.

But as we began our journey, it was soon evident there was a problem. A HUGE problem. It started to rain. And Louisville had a SLEET advisory (not good for a little girl dressed as Ariel or a new baby in a pack). But I was not to be deterred. Rich said he would make the drive to Louisville because he didn't want me going alone the next day when he was working. He also said that if it was raining at the zoo, he didn't want to get out of the car. The drive is a hour and a half each way, so the idea of going that far only to turn around seemed preposterous.

I, being a stubborn and irrational person at times, refused to believe we would be miserable at the zoo. I simply knew the weather would clear and the night would be full of fun memories of our final trip to the zoo. Plus the place would be empty since we would be the only people crazy enough to go.

Thankfully, I also can be sensible when it comes to my family. After a good thirty minutes of driving in the rain, I came to my senses and told Rich to turn around. It was dark, cold, wet and this was not a good plan.

Of course I had to find an alternative activity to take the zoo's place, so off to Graeter's we went for a cold treat, but only after a second round of photographs and some much needed removal of face paint.

I also talked Rich into going next Saturday. If we leave at 3:30 PM and get there when it begins at 5 PM we will have good light for pictures and it most certainly will be warmer. Plus I am going to find some friends to come along, thus making the entire event more enjoyable. We'll hit Miejer on the way to purchase discount tickets, making a bit cheaper too. I've got all my fingers crossed for good weather this coming weekend. It's gotta be better than the past few days (40 degrees with lows in the 30's), I'm sure of that.

At least I got a group shot for the Grandparent Halloween cards and that's a pretty big accomplishment in itself.

Patience is not a virtue that comes easily to me, but hopefully over time I can find that it can come in handy when faced with a difficult choice. Especially at times when it is perfectly clear to everyone else and I just need a few extra minutes to figure it out.

1 comment:

Marcie said...

I don't blame you for giving it a go, you worked hard to have it all ready. I feel your pain. The costume pictures look great, however. My boys would kill to have you decorate their faces. I've been trying to avoid it for years.

Brynn just cracks me up with that red wig :)

I hope it works out better for you this week.