Wednesday, October 28, 2009

PTA Reflections Program


Is a wonderful thing

Giving a warm feeling inside

Being together is the wonderful


-Matt Jackson-


Marcie said...

What a great idea for a picture....and inspiration for a poem.

I know you would think it is blasphemous, but I am hoping I have the endurance to actually make it to Trick or treating on Sat (or if the kids will even want to get in their costumes again). I think we have a few too many activities and wouldn't mind if the school cut out theirs.

Last night Hayden had a dress up party at Tae Kwon Do. Today is Alice's parade and program (I spent last night throwing up - so I'm sending Jim), tomorrow is Davis' parade and party in the morning and Hayden's parade and party in the afternoon. Then right after school is Jim's mom's costume party.

I'm worried that the kids won't even want to put their costumes back on by Halloween night.

Fun......but a little too much for my taste.

Marcie said...

The legs are made from some furry trim I found on the notions and ribbon isle at Joanns. I just hot glue gunned it to some thick black floral wire so they would keep their shape and then hot glue gunned them to the fabric of the pumpkin