Saturday, October 10, 2009

Trey Man

In honor of Trey's TENTH BIRTHDAY here are:


1. Trey has the kindest most sensitive heart. I don't know many boys his age that are aware of other people's struggles and sufferings. Sad movies, shows or stories really move him.

2. He is always aware of his siblings. While he is the 'King of Tease', he is constantly checking up on the girls and baby and is always willing to start of video or get a snack for his little sisters.

3. He is one smart fella. I never have to help Trey with his spelling or journal. He has a great memory and does very well in school. In fact, they placed him in the gifted group this year and he has loved working as a group to complete challenging assignments and activities.

4. He is a wonderful writer. I think his influence has been the various Diary of Wimpy Kid series and comic type books he reads at a breakneck speed. He has a journal in his bed and often writes before bed. He is clever and funny and makes me laugh.

5. Trey loves music. He is the one who remembers to bring the iPod to listen to in the car. He'll plug it in, set it up and select songs for us to listen to. He wants to learn to play the guitar. I love hearing him play the piano each day and can see his progress over the past nine months with his lessons.

6. He has always had very complementary reports from his teachers at conference. They always state that he is kind to others and works hard. Both are important to be successful in life.

7. Trey is a great soccer player and leads the team in goals. He has natural talent and abilities that could help him excel in this sport if he chooses to pursue this for years to come.

8. Trey's face still lights up when I come to lunch and he isn't afraid to give me a hug and kiss when he has to go back to class. I hope this lasts FOREVER!

9. Trey loves a good game. I love playing board games and video games and he does too.

10. Trey loves to have FUN. Whether it's watching a movie, playing a game, going to Chuck-E-Cheese, Laser Tag or running around the cul-de-sac with friends, Trey is always right in the middle laughing and having a good time. He's a joy to be around and often keeps you laughing.

Love you Trey Man! Thanks for being such a great kid!

1 comment:

Jana said...

Happy Birthday Trey! We are glad Joslyn shares this special birthday with you. We love and miss you.