Thursday, June 4, 2009

Just for laughs....

Every woman in her third trimester looks pregnant. There's just no way around hiding it. I am obviously showing A LOT because the comments have begun. I seriously don't get offended, but at times I am still surprised at what comes out of people's mouths. I guess I'm just the 'think and don't say' sort of person. But still, I think the questions are worth noting.

The other day the checker at Wal-mart (where I am a frequent customer) noticed my tummy. "Again?!" she cried. I just grinned and said "YES!" She said, "That'll be six, right?" (I was even shopping without my kids). "W-O-W."

Our male neighbor at the pool asked me, "So when are you due, you've had a ultrasound right? There's not like a herd in there?"

A coach at the ball park turned to Rich and me and while looking at my belly inquired, "So how many you shooting for? A dozen, like that movie?"

Josh and Matt's old fall baseball coach spied my stomach and yelled to me, "You been drinking too much beer?" I smiled and said "Nope." He continued, "You know how that happens, right? Please, just stay away from my wife. I hear it's contagious!"

A dad at Trey's soccer game realized I was pregnant. "You have four already?" "Five," I answered. "You guys are Old School!"

"You've got your hands full!" pointing at us all and at my baby bump. "Lord bless ya!" (And I was only shopping with the girls. Too bad she didn't know THREE more were at school.)

But the most shocking ever was at my first ultrasound in Louisville with the girls and the tech/doctor (not sure what he was) came in and saw I was having twins-again. "You just pop'em out like rabbits."


My new line for all the folks is, "If we are crazy enough to have five, then why not six."

That usually shuts them up.


The boys brought home their yearbooks last week.

It was fun to look through their classes, clubs and events from 2008-2009.

When I looked at Josh's class page, I got the giggles.

It reminded me of one of our Nance family photos from a few years back. Rich was sitting and with his long torso and the camera angle, he looked almost as tall as my mom standing. (who's 5 ft 6 1/2 in)

Josh looks like the kids that got held back a grade or two. No one would guess he's only actually seven.

One perk is I could always spot him in the lunch line. Always.

(Just for the record he and Matt will turn 8 on June 29. Josh currently is 4 foot 8 inches and weighs 86 pounds.)

The girls refer to the UPS driver as "The Present Guy." I agree.


And one more funny thing I saw last week at the mall.

A bumper sticker that read: I drive like a Cullen.

I walked into the store laughing.


Ashlee said...

Funny!! I have a feeling Mac will look a like Josh when he's 7. The joys of being tall.

Marcie said...

Those pictures of Josh are too funny. I didn't realize he was that much bigger. It's that way when we are with my two younger brother's you can ALWAYS spot them very easily in a crowd.

That bumper sticker is hysterical.

traci said...

Thanks for making me laugh. I am still surprised by people's mouths sometimes. They really do say what they are thinking. And, we love Josh's photos. I had a few similar years of school. He is one lucky dude!

Jen said...

Gosh you rabbit!!! That was the funniest most entertaining post ever Cheryl. People are idiots. Oh well, at least you know what they're thinking right??

Josh is so tall. I can't believe how much he has grown. Wow, what a darling family you guys have made. I think you are an amazing mother and could probably have 10 kids and they'd all turn out amazing just like you and Rich. I hope you are feeling well.

Vicki said...

I LOVED catching up on your posts. I LOVE blogs because I feel as close to you (maybe even closer)by reading your blog than when you lived here.

People/strangers say such funny/dumb things. My favorite at our home is when I tell people Meg is adopted and they say, "Does she know." No, I tell complete strangers she's adopted, but not her. DUH!!! Your response is PERFECT.

The last day of school/year book pictures are so cute. Your boys look so big, and HANDSOME.

The sprinkler post brought back memories of my childhood. We NEVER went to the pool. It was just good ole' sprinklers every day. My kids love when I put the sprinkler under the tramp.

Have a fun summer, and I can't wait to read more.

angela said...

Those are great! I am laughing hard. I wish the "present guy" would visit me more often...