Wednesday, June 24, 2009


It is official today, Rich matched for a Neuroradiology Fellowship Program at the University of Cincinnati from July 2010- July 2011.

Neuroradiology is a subspecialty of radiology focusing on the diagnosis and characterization of abnormalities of the central and peripheral nervous system, spine, and head and neck. Primary imaging modalities include computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Angiography is traditionally used for diagnosis of vascular abnormalities or diagnosis and characterization of masses or other lesions.

Deciding which field of radiology Rich wanted to specialize in was a challenge. Should he do and Musculoskelatal/ MRI based fellowship? Should we wait and see if the University of Kentucky's new MSK fellowship received approval and funding? Should we seek elsewhere: Little Rock, Arkansas or Nebraska? Where is the future of medicine headed? What would be the best field for Rich? There were a lot of unknowns that played into it all.

Rich interviewed with Cincinnati back in March. They offered him a spot that day and yet we needed time to decide what was best for our family. The faculty at UC is amazing and it is probably one of the top Neuroradiology programs in the mid-west. They were so kind to Rich and I know he'll receive excellent training there, but it was still hard to know what option was the best for us.

In the end this opportunity in Cincinnati just seemed to fit. Advice from parents and talks between the two of us lead us to know that saying no to Cincinnati could be something we both could later regret. Rich will have a busy 12 months, but I know will gain knowledge and skills that he could not learn elsewhere.

We are still unsure if we will move. Luckily we have a year to figure it all out. I am hoping we can have some heavenly help to know what would be best for the kids. The drive can fluctuate between and hour and half to two hours plus depending on traffic. We could stay in our home here in Lexington and have Rich commute and spend a few nights a week in an apartment. We also could sell our home and move into a rental home north of the city. Neither option is perfect. I hate to think the boys would be the 'new kids' two years in a row and if Rich is going to be crazy busy it would be nice to have neighbors and ward we know instead of being alone surrounded by strangers. But the idea of him not being with us everyday and making that long drive often, is not good either. We'll just have to see.

There also is a good chance Rich would pursue a second year fellowship in pediatric radiology at the University of Cincinnati once his neuroradiology training is complete. They have one of the top pediatric hospitals and departments in the country, and would allow Rich to be very highly trained and marketable during all this healthcare uncertainty. If he chooses this option, moving to Cincinnati would make perfect sense.

Only time will tell, but the nice thing about time is it just keeps moving along- day by day. Who knows, someday we might actually get done (After 10, or possibly 11, years of medical training post college!)!

Congrats Rich on your match. We are proud of you and love you so much!


Stephanie said...

Wow, how exciting! Congrats! Almost on to another new adventure!

Jenny said...

Hooray! Light at the end of the tunnel! I can't wait to have you guys back out here!

Melissa {polkadot chair} said...

Congrats on the match. A year will fly by! You guys are getting so close to being done can you believe it?

Syd had to get a Ct scan last week... I almost called you guys for some advice (or to talk me down) but the CT was normal so no panic necessary....

I'm sure something will work out for you guys. Best of luck.

Marcie said...

Congrats on at least knowing where Rich will be. I'm sure you'll make the right decision about where your family should be. Too bad there's not some kind of light rail or something to make the commute easier.

Laura F said...

Wow, congratulations you guys!!! I totally understand not wanting to go through moving again if you don't have to. It's hard, and it's hard for kids! But I can see wanting to be with Rich as much as possible, too - we were surprised at how little Erick cared about being able to finish school this year, he ultimately just wanted to be in Missouri with Justin. We're in our fourth location now here in Saint Louis and for all intents and purposes it's not all that different from just moving somewhere completely new. Big decisions! It's too bad you don't know for sure whether it will be one or two years, too. Wow, I hate uncertainty sometimes. I know you guys will know what to do - you're living right. :-) Good luck, and congrats again!