Just after Rich left around 7:30 AM to begin his 24 hour call at the hospital the snow did start to fall and it was beautiful. There were huge soft white flakes that slowly fell to the earth. I nearly
pulled out the Christmas music, but refrained since I was downing Easter candy most of the morning.
When I went out to shovel I soon had a herd of little helpers. Since we only have one real snow shovel since it's rarely needed, we got the snow off the driveway with a variety of objects. I had four little boys (the neighbor friend joined in) buzzing around me using 2 brooms, a garden shovel and a rake pushing the snow to the side. It brought back memories of shoveling my parents HUGE driveway and remembered that while I enjoyed it for a few minutes, it is hard work! I really don't mind the snow as long as I don't have to move it or drive on icy roads. As you all know they cancel school with even the threat of a storm, Trey's coach didn't hesitate an instant with the thought of snow. He sent out 2 emails informing us practice was ON! We all headed over to one of the local high schools and watched Trey practice hitting and fielding for a hour. It was fun to see the empty streets and think how most of the world would move forward with a bit of snow, but people around here tend to stay inside and wait
it out.
Overall, it was a good storm, not crazy, but enough for some fun and reminded why I am a winter girl too. As the sun peeked out from the clouds as we were shoveling, it made me think back to the years I spent on the ski slope with my brothers loving all the new powder and freshly groomed runs just waiting for us to explore. Good times. Now bring on SPRING!
I think I've said this before, but I can't believe how much you Lexington house looks like your Louisville one. Crazy.
Ditto about the Christmas music. It took every ounce of energy not to torture my kids with strains of "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas . .. "
How lucky you are to have an army bearing rakes and brooms. Memories....
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